torsdag 1. oktober 2009

247th: weeee =)

new haircut =)
bleeeeh...var ute med Chrisrose, Andrea og skulle kjøpe gave til Carl...oopsie bumpie! we bumped into Bea, MG, Dars and Ian..( ok..not bump literally :P ) then Silje...then Jaz and Sha, harold og yasmin... then someone i don't know the name of  =) sowi...(they were looking for a gift as well)

wasn't really productive looking for a gift....we strayed a bit and tried on shoes and jackets that WE wanted to buy for ourselves aha!!! =)

don't really know what they bought...just gave them the money coz i had to meet some friends..i was running late...

aaargh...the whole trikk to buss to trikk thing coz of the road construction as! arrrgh..!!

off to meet Kasia and Embla...haven't seen them since the last day of school '09...
soooo...we ate at Bislett kebab...(haven't eaten kebab in like...1 year? or 6months...) ate too much...and it was a liten porsjon =) aahahahah! =) went to watch "Upperdog" at was weird..but funny =)got home around 9.30 pm (yey! earlier than usual :D ) it's really cold now...winteeeeeer is just around the corner =) wore gloves today...ultracold =)

blææææh.... =)


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