onsdag 14. oktober 2009

271st: it's so hard...

it's so hard...

to wake up early! especially when it's still dark...and cold! I don't wanna stand up...'coz I love being under my warm blanket...!!! i really should start my new sleeping habit... =)...which is going to bed at 12midnight...SOOO NOT GONNA HAPPEN =) getting colder here in Norway =) <3 <3 <3


vi hadde fagdag! <3 GEOGRAFI...bedre enn norsk! phewww =) fagdag i norsk er rett og slett...BORING TO THE MAX!
Vi var i Akerselva...og tok bilder til rapporten... oh the beautiful scenery :P ikke noe nark0menn =)
enjoy <3

gotta love it <3

on the other side...it's really smooth while the other one is rough...

love the colors <3

greeeen <3

river flows in you... <3

nice...find Edward Cullen <3

oh so nice...autumn <3

so carefree <3

oh...jeg skvatt...i found a dead duck...
luckily I found it before I stepped on it :D

my group...
oh look at the height difference <3 hahahahha!!! <3

oh and yeah...we took a shortcut...through the cemetery...very beatiful one too! =)
just took a quick snapshot... =)


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