onsdag 14. oktober 2009

270: online chaos =)

Online Chaos nr. 1

soooo...tantan sent me this on msn:

it's very...yeah...depends on how you take it...not for the faint hearted or "maarte" people

then julian's chat box was popping out of nowhere...saying...what is the video tantan sent you about?...
but I couldn't tell him...coz tantan said I shouldn't =)
so I lied and said...huh? what video? he sent me thousands of video today =)
but then Julian found out that I lied coz tantan blew my cover :P duuuuh!...saying he only sent oneeee..!
so they ended up saying:
He said this...while you said that....while he said this and you said that...so i say ...yeah...you get the point...you know the drill =)

oh...you gotta see the video :P

Online Chaos nr. 2
some peace....
just like chaos nr. 1...still JJJs
but now...their chatboxes pop out of nowhere again...at the same time...asking for Skype...haha!!! =)
i forgot mine...(haven't used it for like....a year? or two?)
so we ended up having a skype conv with Mari G, Kimberly, Tan2x, Julian and Ian
it's really confusing... alot of voices at the same time..makes u crazy =)
but they left...so it's the JJJs again...
we talked about our outfits and this video...( a new one)...GOTTA WATCH! funny and entertaining...not to mention...educational =)

gotta read 3 chapters for the test...boooooooring...
and I'm still gonna watch tv =)

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