lørdag 3. oktober 2009

252nd: bored?

had a bit of sleeping trouble last night/dawn...
was listening to "Won't Go Home Without You" - Maroon 5

kl 04am
*ring ring* wazzup? still awake? can u talk?
yeah...can't sleep...so wazzup?

kl 05
good night/dawn/morning <3
i'll try to get some sleep...

kl 06
still staring at my white wall...
listening to music...
got a lot of thinking to do...
i feel empty.
just not myself.
If i only knew three months ago...
sorry B.

anyway...I really trust you guys...don't tell anybody about it
(u know who you two are)
this sucks.
it's fun tho.
exciting...in a scary way.
i really had no idea.
i don't care
vi tar det som det kommer...we'll see how life unfolds itself...

" you can't sleep 'coz u haven't heard my voice yet"
"yabang mo ah!"

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