søndag 11. oktober 2009

267th: miss independent...

Hate to know I'm crashing, don't know how it happened. All I know it feels so damn good, said if I could go back and make it happen faster...don't you know I would baby if I could...miss independent to the fullest, the load never too much, she helpin' me pull it she shot the bullet, ended that life..i swear to you the pimp in me just died tonight,girl

(i just love that part) good music...


reading my older posts makes me miss you even more...this is stupid.


my week is ugh...
monday: english presentation, japanese test, gotta study for spanish test
tuesday: spanish test, gotta study for spanish presentation
wednesday: fagdag i Geografi, gotta study for spanish presentation, study for samfunnsfag
thursday: spanish presentation, STUDY hard for the samfunnsfag test...3 chapters! omg...
friday: samf prøve....and then...PDA!!! niiice <3

this weekend is gonna be sooooo great <3


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