tirsdag 20. oktober 2009

275th: hei på deg! =)

hei alle sammen!

nå er jeg tilbake =) fra PDA woohoo!!! <3<3<3 miss it =)
first of all...!!!

det var HEFTIG gøy! =) synd for dere som ikke ble med XP! haha! tuller...! there's always next time...men jo...det var veldig gøy =)
I løpet av hele helgen...har jeg bare hatt 8timer søvn...det er egentlig mye for å ha vært i en camp! =) pleier å ha...hmm...4timer søvn? =) njeeeh =) oh yeah yeah...
skal jeg skrive om hele campen? neii...det tar jo evigheter =)


1. day
møtte nye folk!
- Skåne folka!

møtte gamle venner!
- YFL Sverige, Island og Finland =) niiice !!! =)

- fikk meg CC...wohohoho...tulla =)
- sang reflection sangen...faiiiil =) 
-vi hadde lek! - oh so fun =)
- and of course... digg mat! :D
- ghost story telling with the Alzona Bros, Chona, Sey, Jai osv...shandae ended up crying...sowi...

- sov kl...3? våkna...7? ugh...zzz

2. day
start the day with a smileeeee =) næææt!
i woke up due to all the cellphone alarms :P haha!!! =) and oh the wake up call...blæh ! =)
but other than that...yes...smile on my face :)

- spiste digg frokost =)
-morning worship! 
-talks =)
- workshops =)
- digg lunsj!
- aktiviteter! Amazing Race rundt hele Mariaholm...åååh..slitsomt...men 100% fun! =)
jeg måtte spise banan med fiskesaus og olje...BLÆH!!! uuugh..!! 
- VELDIG FIIIIIN MIDDAG!!! fancy dinner! candelite dinner...!!! awwww....it was so....awww...
-satt på bordet med Carmelle, Julian og Mick2x... 

MickMick: er dere mette? 
Oss: Ja
Mick: vil dere ikke ha mer?
Oss: Nei...why?
Carmelle: fordi han vil ikke være den eneste som spiser :P
* alle ler* =)


*Et insekt kryr på middagsbordet*
Meg: Woah...pass på...



Meg: Reg! ta bilde! * hands out the camera*
Reg: *snur seg og fortsetter å spise...*
what the...? hahaha!!! ignored =)

-MTV AWARDS...!! very good costumes!!! =) 
- lekte en lek...*evil laugh* very mean game =) oh...stakkars de =)
- sov kl 4? zzzz...

3. day
- oh the wake up call! BOOM BOOM BOOM! so loud...! but it did wake me up =)
-started the day with a laugh! haha! nice! and of course...Morning Worship in front of the chapel...
veeeery cold! but still...i <3 it =)
-digg frokost!
-skrev u got mails<3
- talk
- messe =)
- PRAISEFEST!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
i loved it! i felt it! I miss it! it was so .... <3!
inspiring...very inspiring...got to see other sides of people...especially those I least expected to show their "true colors" awww... =)

few hours after we said goodbye to YFL Sweden, Iceland and Finland...we said Hi again! =)
K. Brion picked me up...and then Dars =) or should I say Kuya Dars? hihi =) ate wasabi nuts inside his car...smelled like...ugh... =) then gratis iskaffe =)

we ate dinner at a viet restaurant... =) nam! <3 laughed a lot...learned sign language =)
met up with YFL Sweden...I miss them already... =(
we were really noisy at the bus terminal =) their bus was leaving at kl 23 haha! hoho *evil laugh* they even had this dance =) miss them =) hope to see them at next year's congress =) yey OSLO! <3

got home around... before midnight...awww... 
sov kl...2? chika chika laaaang =)

a weekend of pure joy =)

i enjoyed it..did you?

Truly Inspiring... <3

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