tirsdag 27. oktober 2009

289: everything's gonna be... alright...

and...I will walk on water...
and... You will catch me if I fall...
and... I will get lost into Your eyes...
and...everything will be alright...

copyright? av ate Eli...

to moi uncle...

yeah...I have this uncle...who is not that old at all...but his wife...seems to be having an affair with another man...outside the country...and his in-laws won't let him see his kids...and he's alone...living in our old house...without anybody...he used drugs, yes, i think? well...i have my reasons for thinking so... he's so controlled of his temper...he is...really...yeah...whatever... everytime he asks for help...meaning...money...for "education" and " food", my mom would help him, that's what brothers and sisters do, right? but...he only used it on wrong stuff...ya know...so my mom stopped helping him, I really felt sorry for him at first...but he should learn that he can't just depend on other's income to live...

but...everything changed...

he called...then my mom was crying...i was like...what the...?
then I asked if I could speak with him...so she handed me the phone...
he was trying really hard to conceal his problems...i didn't know what it was...
then he asked me: How's life?...my reply?

"Don't ask me, how's YOUR life? Don't try to hide, I know that something is wrong...I can hear it in your voice, I know when someone is pretending not to cry, believe me...I've been there."

guess what? he cried...i was like...hmmm...my macho-oh-so-barumbado-i-am-so-strong uncle is...breaking down? whaaaat?

it's this family thing again...he really misses his family, he's got no job, no money, his bro won't help him...everybody is so sceptic about him...yes...who wouldn't be? then I saw a new side of him... ja ja... loooooooooong story...so  my mom agreed to help him...again...

then one day... I just called him out of the blue...he was sick...awww...stakkars...i really felt sad...
i really shouldn't take what I have for granted 'coz I never know when I'll lose my possessions...but...

i think he has a job now? i dunno? i have no idea...i'd like to hear from him...

maybe i'll ask..."kamusta na?"

but yeah... everything will be alright...


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