søndag 31. januar 2010

God's wisdom, ftw! ♥

Lærte mye av Evan Almighty. hadde ikke tenkt å se den, men takk for at du fortalte meg om den. 
Har sett filmen før, men jeg la ikke merke til alle detaljene da. =P

God: How do we change the world?
Evan Baxter: One single act of random kindness at a time.
God: [spoken while writing A-R-K on ground with a stick] One Act, of, Random, Kindness. 

the best so far:
If someone prays for patience, you think God gives them patience? Or does He give them the opportunity to be patient? If he prayed for courage, does God give him courage, or does He give him opportunities to be courageous? If someone prayed for the family to be closer, do you think God zaps them with warm fuzzy feelings, or does He give them opportunities to love each other?♥
I have always been blaming God for not answering my prayers, but He gives me oppurtunities everyday...I was just so scared to take them. =)

SMIIIIIILE, 'coz the world smiles back!

you make me smile like a fool...no I'm a fool =)

Ser på Evan Almighty...morsom =)
Maja er redd for tykke mennesker...så sært...

OH snap!  that was close! good thing i didn't do what I wanted to =)

Music says it 1000x better.

Ordinary Day - V. Carlton
(reaaally  nice)

Just a day, just an ordinary day. Just trying to get by. Just a boy, just an ordinary boy.
But he was looking to the sky. And as he asked if I would come along, I started to realize
That everyday he finds, just what he's looking for. Like a shooting star he shines.
He said take my hand, live while you can
Don't you see your dreams lie right in the palm of your hand.

Mamma Mia!

I've been cheated by you since I don't know when
So I made up my mind, it must come to an end
Look at me now, will I ever learn?
I don't know how but I suddenly lose control

There's a fire within my soul
Just one look and I can hear a bell ring
One more look and I forget everything, w-o-o-o-oh

Mamma mia, here I go again
My my, how can I resist you?
Mamma mia, does it show again?
My my, just how much I've missed you
Yes, I've been brokenhearted
Blue since the day we parted
Why, why did I ever let you go?
Mamma mia, now I really know,
My my, I could never let you go.

Walking on Sunshine!
Futurama feat. Walking on Sunshine haha!
I used to think maybe you love me, now baby I'm sure
And I just cant wait till the day, when you knock on my door
Now every time I go for the mail box, gotta hold myself down
'cause I just cant wait till you write me, you're coming around

I'm walking on sunshine (whoa oh)
I'm walking on sunshine (whoa oh)
I'm walking on sunshine (whoa oh)
And don't it feel good (HEY!) Alright now
And don't it feel good (HEY!) Alright now
All right now yeah! (HEY!)

Never Say Never - The Fray
There's some things we don't talk about
Rather do without
And just hold the smile
Falling in and out of love
Ashamed and proud of
But together all the while

You can never say never
Why we don't know when
Time, time, time again
Younger now than we were before

Don't Let Me Go
Don't Let Me Go

Live Like We're Dying
Kris Allen
he performed this at So You Think You Can Dance Finale

Sometimes we fall down and can't get back up
We're hiding behind skin that's too tough
How come we don't say "I love you" enough
'Till it's too late, it's not too late

Our hearts are hungry for a food that won't come
We could make a feast from these crumbs
And we're all staring down the barrel of a gun
So if your life flashed before you
What would you wish you would've done?

Yeah... we gotta start
Looking at the hands of the time we've been given here
This is all we got and we gotta start pickin it
Every second counts on a clock that's tickin'
Gotta live like we're dying

Yes people!
We shouldn't take life for granted, let's live like we're dying.
I thought that I reaaaally was gonna die! and I spent my weekend being down and kept thinking how much time I have in this world. But I was wrong. I thought yeah...oh crap, it's over. 'Coz all my problems have been piling up...then the "illness" came. But it really was nothing. Thank God!

<3 u all!

Sunday morning rain is falling oh yeaaah yeaaah.

I was watching this movie last night (can't remember the title)
about a couple breaking up due to cheating issues. it was so sad 'coz what they had was really special and nice =(
so sad that temptation takes over and ruins something bigger and more beautiful. aaaw =(
wish I could remember the title...blæh.

lets take it slow (so slow)
anywhere you wanna go
baby for you, ill lay it all on the line
So Slow - MYMP

this song was on my mind the moment I woke up.
hated it.

Ja, jeg trodde det. 
Fordi det så sånn ut.
Nesten et selvfølge?
japp. "ikke noe" to the max.


nei, jeg har ikke hangover.

Jeg fikk ikke lånt dvd'en fra Embla i går. Og vi skulle se The Hangover hos Andre i dag. Jeg ville se filmen og da måtte jeg bare stikke innom Platekompaniet. Meant to be! Jeg fant dvd'en. Den siste på hylla. Lucky. The last one, oh yeah. I grabed it with the speed of light og rakk tbanen =)
like morsom hver gang!
Rain Man =)

Toodaloo! motherfakawuwuwuawawawuwuuu...!
og rofl på 00.28! 
digger Mr. Chow, who doesn't?
+ han læreren er kjekk <3 haha!

Var hos Andre. DVD fail (you know what I mean lmao). Super Mario Wii. Tekken. Hangover. 
Kake. Sopas. Fanta <3. 
Andre, Bea, Dars, Dence, Harold, Ian, Jonathan, Julian, Kassandra, Kimberly, MK, og Tone.
Guitar Hero Full Band. You Belong With Me. Love Story. Beaetufil Soul. Walking On Sunshine. ABC. 22.29. Heaven. Måtte vente 15min for bussen og det var - 13 ute. J-D-P-I.
nice weekend =)
tomorrow I gotta do math and spanish...and clean the house. Ew. 

Warning! Super Teit.

but the clock is ticking and it's currently 01.24.
i gotta go to bed, like I did the night before.
I guess I should say goodnight and turn off the pc & tv, 
but I really got to say that Imma miss you like crazy.

Yes, I will go to sleep now
and say goodbye to Southpark, 
omg, you killed Kenny,
and to you I'll make a vow.

Yes, I think we drifted apart, but hey maybe it's a good thing.
But even though we had a lil' break, 
it doesn't change anything.

But I suck at writing rhymes like this
and I just ate tunfisk og ris, 
So I'll say goodnight for now
sweet dreams and have a bliss.   

wow, that sucked big time!

goodnight =)

where is this gonna lead us?

lørdag 30. januar 2010

i need this problems...daw.




I går kveld:
FML 50%
I kveld:
FML 500% 
sånn serr.
I morgen:
håper dagen blir myyyyye bedre enn de to siste dagene.


fredag 29. januar 2010

"Er det noe som plager deg?" "Nei."

Tears ran down my cheeks last night.


torsdag 28. januar 2010

to be or not to be

"What hurts the most
Was being so close
And havin' so much to say
And watchin' you walk away

And never knowin'
What could've been
And not seein' that lovin' you
Is what I was tryin' to do"

WHTM - R.Flatts

"Sometimes you have to be apart from the people you love, but that doesn't mean you love them any less. Sometimes it even makes you love them even more."
The Last Song...coming out later this season...i think?
nice nice nice movie =)


"Do you regret ever holding my hand?"

idag var det ganske varmt...
eller kanskje ikke sååå...men det var ikke kaldt heller =)
SOL! sola skinte! =) og det var deilig =)
det som ikke var så fullt deilig var at føttene mine døde.
høye hæler og snø er ikke en bra kombinasjone...åh hell...
må bare gå med de imorgen ...one more day...og da er føttene mine frie =)
omgsk! lol.not.
men men
I met up with Joanna "ting" H. i dag fordi vi skulle se på sko...windowshopping uten penger er =(.
på vei til byen så var jeg med Marius, Paya, Zahra osv ...men de måtte dra så jeg tok følge
med marius til byen og fant ut at vi skulle på samme sted so why not. Møtte Anna og =)...eller jeg så henne da =P

Jeg skulle møte Bea fordi hun skulle gi noe til meg...(Thanks!) og jeg møtte Lance, Dars, MG, Andre på vei til Urban =)
har ikke sett dem på lenge =) spess k. lance =)

Jeg og Joanna spiste på Mcdo og hun kom for sent til jobben hennes (Sorry!) ...men han som jobba på Mcdo glemte at vi hadde bestilt mat og ga maten til noen andre...! ugh!
Ja ja, my feet died today but to sum my day up:
It was KOS! <3


onsdag 27. januar 2010

anywhere, anytime, just tell me =)

moon at 4pm =)

ugh. eksitering.emisjon.fusjon.spektre.stråling.sort hull.ugh.


hun mista ipoden sin folken. Sånn serr. Serr. Serr!

glosebingo...fail. manglet bare ett ord.

AH! må se denne filmen! =) <3
"Letters To Juliet"
she went to Italy for vacation and found the love of her life <3
Amanda Seyfried (Mamma Mia)

"Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone..."
She waited 50 years to find her true love again after losing each other before...how long will YOU wait...?
must see =)

Valentine's Day

this movie looks sooo cute, nice, funny! FUNNY!
famous actors: Jessica Alba, Jessica Biel, Bradley Cooper (the hangover teacher who's really wew), Patrick Dempsey(grey's anatomy), JAMIE FOXX! (Heaven <3) Jennifer Garner, Anne Hathaway, Ashton Kutcher, Julia Roberts, Queen Latifah (Secret Life of Bees), George Lopez, Emma Robers etc...
don't watch this movie alone...watching it alone makes you lonely =(

PLANET 51 <3
looks so cuuuute!

funny trailer!

ooooh wanna watch!

Anyway you want it
That's the way you need it
just the way you want it

wanna watch =)

didn't see that coming.

Today I:
woke up early =(
lost my contactlens...took some time =(
ran out of time =(
missed 1st period =/
used my 3hrs of recess to study for my science test =/
took the test. =/
killed my hand by writing 8  pages. =(
my hands hurt. =(
the pain went away though <3

tente lys for Lola.
mø.tte.en.venn.inn.e <3
met some friends...unexpectedly scary. =/
my heart jumped to the sky of shock. =(
ate pizza =/

met F. Boie.

now I'm g.onn.a sleep =)

=( + =) + =/ + <3 = <3<3<3


sometimes it's nice to be able to see clealry...'coz if it was blurry then maybe we went to the "dangerous" areas and got ourselves in some sort of a mess...then we'd have to explain...one thing i'm not good at...so people...but your glasses on and it may hinder you from being in trouble...
yes, it may stop you from actually hitting a pole while walking =P
daw. hihi. daw

tirsdag 26. januar 2010

Seeing the world clearly now.

endelig! nye linser
and the world ain't blurry again =)
syyykt kaldt ute! ugh...og jeg som trodde at vi er på vei mot varmere tider...not.
har nmf prøve imorgen om stråling og universet...so i'm off to nerding... O_O
(facebook + youtube + radio + mat = so fail.)

huh? skjønte ikke...hvorfor og hvordan fikk jeg dette bildet? kjenner ikke avsenderen engang... =S

weird... =S

...oh and yeah...i gotta stop eating chocolate...
GURO!...ikke gi meg mer =P
eller jo... 0=)
Crawl - C. Brown
If we crawl
Till we can walk again
Then we'll run
Until we're strong enough to jump
Then we'll fly
Until there is no end

mandag 25. januar 2010

Innbilsk drittunge. =)

De que estas pensando?

Takk. Hyggelig. Ja. Mhm. Sí.

Again, thanks.

måtte bare blurre navnet, kanskje han eller hun ser det her. tihi.
Vi var litt slemme da vi tegna det her såå...

Censored. Fordi hvis de ser at vi har vært litt slemme mot dem så...uff.

oh yeah.

noen ganger er det lov såååå...

Anyway you want it.

Woke up a little bit earlier than I am used to...just like friday...I arrived at school super early. Atleast I wasn't late. Anyway, I had an appointment with my optician, she asked me to take on my glasses...and take it off...and to put it on the table beside me. Stupid me, I rushed out because I was running late for school...and forgot my glasses. I spent the rest of my day seeing the world in a blur. I need to come back tomorrow though.

jentekveld hos Sandra. Hun måtte bare vise hva de har i skapet. Apparently her mom collects Vodka. If you put light on the Vodka Disco, you can see the reflections of the bottle on the wall. Just like a disco ball.
NO! we didn't drink 0 =)

Hannah og Singstar = nice.

Sandra og singstar er også nice.

whatcha lookin' at daw.

Embla og Charlotte...yata?

mamma kjøpte kebab...og man skulle skrive navnet.. =/

det var ikke digg.

kjedelig engelsk time = doodles og sms.

Vi hadde om Romeo og Julie...
" Romeo Romeo, where art thou, Romeo?"
"Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone..."
"Romeo and Juliet were stupid, that's why they died. Love kills." - lol!-

Andreas og Michelle under japansken...yepp..that's what they do.

the sweet couple...scary.

syntes det her var søt.


Santa Claus came to town.

I read Carl's blog today, and it had this video of the movie "Up". I <3 that movie.
it's so:
I remember the night when I slept over at Julian's house and we watched Up. I really wanted to watch it because a lot of people had said that it is really good! So we watched the movie, and I remember it was like 2am? Ian (i think) snorked hella loud and we were like: "uuuh...?"
but anyways...here is one of the most memorable scenes:

Russel + Window = FUN.



søndag 24. januar 2010

"Calling at dawn just to know if you're fine, and I love you so, now I say goodnight and I won't let you go. ' Coz it's not the time to do so, I can be your hero, yes I can. So just hold on tight and we'll make our flight." - "Tight" - husker ikke...

I don't wanna close my eyes,
I don't wanna fall asleep,
'Coz I miss you, babe
and I don't wanna miss a thing.

Armageddon er utroooolig fin <3
og trist.

"Make up your mind, and I'll make up mine.
Don't worry, it'll be fine"
- Theory of a Dead Man -

oh and yeah...i never thought that it would happen, no.

Hey ya!
Var hos Sandra og så på The Hangover og The Secret Life of the Bees.
Spiste baaaare sjokolade! uhm...so healthy, not.
The Hangover...jeg skulle se den for to - tre måneder siden, men jeg fikk aldri tid...men ja ja.
ridiculously funny!
<3'ed the scene where this dude opened the car trunk...and a naked chinese dude hopped on top of his face!
NAKED MAN + FACE = crotch in the face...EW!
latterkrampe XP! loool!

The Secret Life of Bees er søt <3

Jeg har sittet foran pcen i to timer nå, jeg skulle gjøre ferdig...ehem...begynne med engelsken, men men, jeg har ikke åpnet Word ennå :P fail.
Gjør det etter messen =)
Oh well.

random LN calls are sweet =)

lørdag 23. januar 2010


Got this from a blogger...don't remember her name...I think it was Celina or something.

Ikke noe. Er det sant? Ja, vi sier det.

Jeg burde egentlig dra nååå...men jeg orker ikke å reise meg... =P
aaaaah...jeg er så lat. Latskap ftw =P

Hva tenker du på? Ikke noe.
Du da? Ikke noe.
B: I love you, only you and no one else.I'll wait for you.
G: Really? We don't know how this will work out. I can't do this right now. So I got you another girl, so that you won't be alone. She's right behind you.
*Turns around and sees no one*
B: Nobody's here
G: I know...but if you really loved me, then you would've never turned.


"Nobody wanna see us together..."

Våkna tidlig. Fant ut at jeg ikke måtte dra til prosjektgreia alikevel. Dritt. Ble ditcha.
 Dritt nr 2.

Today, I haven't been thinking straight. Got a LOT of things on my mind, and they're taking their toll on me.
I dunno what to do. I'm stuck. Make me move. LOL. I got tired of thinking...so I turned on the radio...
and "Replay" by Iyaz was on. Freaking coincidence. 'Coz... yeah...long story. I wanted to get my mind off that thing...then thaaaaat song came on...oh well. Grr. I think I heard "Replay" for like...7times on the radio? i løpet av 2 timer...they reaaally take the title literally...

Overnatting. I kveld. I'm late. Not really. I really need this night. Take a break and just have fun =)

jentekveld. singstar. folk fra skolen. gleder meg. kjenner ikke halvparten av de som kommer men who cares? =P

Jeg vet ikke as, vi får se.
I don't know where this road is going to lead
All I know is where we've been and what we've been through...
Yes, it's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday...i know...i understand...
It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday - Boyz 2 Men
As for now...I'll be staying over my friend's house...

fredag 22. januar 2010

Macaroni and cheese =)

Jeg var redd, Harold. Var bare. =)

møtte Dars og Dence.
Fail. Lost our way. Frozen toes. Crazy voicing. Crazy whine - voicing. Dence was screaming. LOL.
Guitar. Kebab. Møtte Boris (Borat)...og sjefen hans...med oljete hender...
Cadbury. Fail dude pooping on Oslo S.
Så dro vi til Dars.

Fun. Facebook. CPC! <3. Far Away. Hei.
Andre, Bea, Boris, Jonathan, Dars, Dence, Aldrin, Ian, Harold, Chris, Lorenzo something og Julian.
Macaroni and cheese <3 salt and hi-tech pepper. Fifa. Failblog.org. Masculinity Fail. Oh shit. Oh my God! oooomg! aaaah! *Scream* oooh my gosh, I'm sorry...! Ah! Cockroach! FAIL.

I had to wait for my bus at Jernbanetorget. Then this itim dude blocked my way:
*Stopped in front of me and moved whenever I tried to dodge and avoid him*
NÆSTY DUDE: hvor skal du?
ME: Hjem?
*NÆSTY DUDE blokkerer veien igjen*
NÆSTY DUDE: Hvor da?
ME: hæ?
*NÆSTY DUDE still blocking my way*
ME: *wtf?*
*NÆSTY DUDE that looked like he was high on something stepped away from my way and let me pass through* *looked weird at me* *then started laughing*

Mr. CruuuuuzPCruuuuuz

Mr. Chocolate and Mr. Glasses

Mr. I'mma - slap - you - sooo - superhard.

hva vil "rolig" si?

A Love Song For No One =(

I'm tired of being alone,
so hurry up and get here...
A Love Song For No One - John Mayer -

Hello everyone =)
My feet are dead for today =(
A couple of girls decided that we'd have this dress code...
and since it's friday...it's "High Heels Day" omg...I dunno how long I'm gonna be able to maintain this code...
it's kinda tiring to follow the rules...makes me kinda remember the movie Mean Girls...blæh. =)

Today I woke up at 7am. and went to school 30min before my classes started.
Suprisingly...a lot of students are already there! hæææ?
But I was on the phone and talked to a friend of mine who I haven't spoken to in years...ho ho ho...
gotta love it.

Then the bell rang and I had to change into my heels or else I'll be in trouble... =/
our teacher said that we could study on our own...we just hanged around at the comp. room...doing nothing.

I had this summer feeling during Social Studies and Math. The sun was shiiiining and it wasn't so cold. Kinda nice feeling. But...BUT! it's snowing again...oh well...so much for my summer feeling =(

Enough said.
They say : Music is what intertwines hearts.

Spansk oppgaven.
?Os gustan las uvas verdes? =P

gotta meet Dence and Dars soon =)

Random Pic of the day:

Of the week:

and random pic of the month:


TanTan Madness

Tantan fikk brillene sine i dag woohoo =)

heftig casing også =)

flat...then poof!

plastikk + tre + glass = WOOHOO!

Congratz, bro =)


torsdag 21. januar 2010

Ikke noe... :-*

So hard to read.
No I'm not dyslectic.
People are just born with barriers that hinder other people from reading them...or maybe they just have a perfect poker face...or I'm just plain stupid when it comes to those kinds of things. =P

Anyway. Fail. Late. School. Productive. Good day. Yellow and Violet. Happy.
Library. SSSSH!. Eat. Home. Math.

Har matteinnlevering i morgen og jeg har ikke begynt...hmmm...

Hope you guys had a wonderful day =)

Where do we stand?

onsdag 20. januar 2010

like my iPod stuck on replay...

na na na na na =)
denne dagen har vært...blæh.
fikk et råd fra noen i klassen :
"Ikke stopp. Ikke nå. Du har kommet så langt. Men...where do you stand, girl?"
hmmm...iiiiih... =/

i'm soooo tired...
skole kl 8 - 18
=( med bare kjedelige fag... omg


MarshaMarsha Marshmallow er bare såå digg <3

finnes de i norge?

omgsk! omgsk! omgsk!

See you been all around the globe
Not once did you leave my mind
We talk on the phone from night til the morn

Boy, you really change my life
Doin' things I never do
I´m in the kitchen cookin things he likes

Shorty's like a melody
In my head that I can't keep out, got me singing like:
na na na na every day
it's like my iPod's stuck on replay... <3
 *hekta, ja*
 Replay - Iyaz

tirsdag 19. januar 2010

summer lovin' had me a blast, summer lovin' happened so fast uh- oh...summer nights

stumbled upon this song when I was watching Glee =)
sometimes you just have to take a chance and go for it...
yes a lot of things have been going toooo fast...
like choosing new subjects that may determine your future, school, math classes! går så fort! o_O
wish i could just stop time and just...not stress.

don't know much about your life
don't know much about your world, but
don't wanna be alone tonight
on this planet they call Earth...

you don't know about my past...
i don't have a future figured out...
maybe this is going to fast...
maybe it's not meant to last...

What do you say to taking chances?
what do you say to jumping off the edge?
Never knowin' if there's solid ground below
Or a hand to hold, or hell to pay?
What do you say?
What do you say?

Taking Chances - Celine Dion/Kara DioGuardi


just another random post

Some of the greater things in life are unseen...that's why you close your eyes when you kiss, cry or dream <3

-Toothpast for Dinner -

toodleloo =)
