lørdag 23. januar 2010

"Nobody wanna see us together..."

Våkna tidlig. Fant ut at jeg ikke måtte dra til prosjektgreia alikevel. Dritt. Ble ditcha.
 Dritt nr 2.

Today, I haven't been thinking straight. Got a LOT of things on my mind, and they're taking their toll on me.
I dunno what to do. I'm stuck. Make me move. LOL. I got tired of thinking...so I turned on the radio...
and "Replay" by Iyaz was on. Freaking coincidence. 'Coz... yeah...long story. I wanted to get my mind off that thing...then thaaaaat song came on...oh well. Grr. I think I heard "Replay" for like...7times on the radio? i løpet av 2 timer...they reaaally take the title literally...

Overnatting. I kveld. I'm late. Not really. I really need this night. Take a break and just have fun =)

jentekveld. singstar. folk fra skolen. gleder meg. kjenner ikke halvparten av de som kommer men who cares? =P

Jeg vet ikke as, vi får se.
I don't know where this road is going to lead
All I know is where we've been and what we've been through...
Yes, it's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday...i know...i understand...
It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday - Boyz 2 Men
As for now...I'll be staying over my friend's house...

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