onsdag 27. januar 2010

anywhere, anytime, just tell me =)

moon at 4pm =)

ugh. eksitering.emisjon.fusjon.spektre.stråling.sort hull.ugh.


hun mista ipoden sin folken. Sånn serr. Serr. Serr!

glosebingo...fail. manglet bare ett ord.

AH! må se denne filmen! =) <3
"Letters To Juliet"
she went to Italy for vacation and found the love of her life <3
Amanda Seyfried (Mamma Mia)

"Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone..."
She waited 50 years to find her true love again after losing each other before...how long will YOU wait...?
must see =)

Valentine's Day

this movie looks sooo cute, nice, funny! FUNNY!
famous actors: Jessica Alba, Jessica Biel, Bradley Cooper (the hangover teacher who's really wew), Patrick Dempsey(grey's anatomy), JAMIE FOXX! (Heaven <3) Jennifer Garner, Anne Hathaway, Ashton Kutcher, Julia Roberts, Queen Latifah (Secret Life of Bees), George Lopez, Emma Robers etc...
don't watch this movie alone...watching it alone makes you lonely =(

PLANET 51 <3
looks so cuuuute!

funny trailer!

ooooh wanna watch!

Anyway you want it
That's the way you need it
just the way you want it

wanna watch =)

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Jeg gleder meg masse til Valentine's Day kommer, hørte om den for sånn et halvt år siden, wii! Og han McSteamy fra Grey's Anatomy er også med, nam :D Eric Dane tror jeg kanskje han heter :P
Håper prøven din gikk greit selv om du dævva i hånda da..