fredag 22. januar 2010

Macaroni and cheese =)

Jeg var redd, Harold. Var bare. =)

møtte Dars og Dence.
Fail. Lost our way. Frozen toes. Crazy voicing. Crazy whine - voicing. Dence was screaming. LOL.
Guitar. Kebab. Møtte Boris (Borat)...og sjefen oljete hender...
Cadbury. Fail dude pooping on Oslo S.
Så dro vi til Dars.

Fun. Facebook. CPC! <3. Far Away. Hei.
Andre, Bea, Boris, Jonathan, Dars, Dence, Aldrin, Ian, Harold, Chris, Lorenzo something og Julian.
Macaroni and cheese <3 salt and hi-tech pepper. Fifa. Masculinity Fail. Oh shit. Oh my God! oooomg! aaaah! *Scream* oooh my gosh, I'm sorry...! Ah! Cockroach! FAIL.

I had to wait for my bus at Jernbanetorget. Then this itim dude blocked my way:
*Stopped in front of me and moved whenever I tried to dodge and avoid him*
NÆSTY DUDE: hvor skal du?
ME: Hjem?
*NÆSTY DUDE blokkerer veien igjen*
NÆSTY DUDE: Hvor da?
ME: hæ?
*NÆSTY DUDE still blocking my way*
ME: *wtf?*
*NÆSTY DUDE that looked like he was high on something stepped away from my way and let me pass through* *looked weird at me* *then started laughing*

Mr. CruuuuuzPCruuuuuz

Mr. Chocolate and Mr. Glasses

Mr. I'mma - slap - you - sooo - superhard.

hva vil "rolig" si?

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