onsdag 27. januar 2010

didn't see that coming.

Today I:
woke up early =(
lost my contactlens...took some time =(
ran out of time =(
missed 1st period =/
used my 3hrs of recess to study for my science test =/
took the test. =/
killed my hand by writing 8  pages. =(
my hands hurt. =(
the pain went away though <3

tente lys for Lola.
mø.tte.en.venn.inn.e <3
met some friends...unexpectedly scary. =/
my heart jumped to the sky of shock. =(
ate pizza =/

met F. Boie.

now I'm g.onn.a sleep =)

=( + =) + =/ + <3 = <3<3<3


sometimes it's nice to be able to see clealry...'coz if it was blurry then maybe we went to the "dangerous" areas and got ourselves in some sort of a mess...then we'd have to explain...one thing i'm not good at...so people...but your glasses on and it may hinder you from being in trouble...
yes, it may stop you from actually hitting a pole while walking =P
daw. hihi. daw

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