mandag 25. januar 2010

Anyway you want it.

Woke up a little bit earlier than I am used to...just like friday...I arrived at school super early. Atleast I wasn't late. Anyway, I had an appointment with my optician, she asked me to take on my glasses...and take it off...and to put it on the table beside me. Stupid me, I rushed out because I was running late for school...and forgot my glasses. I spent the rest of my day seeing the world in a blur. I need to come back tomorrow though.

jentekveld hos Sandra. Hun måtte bare vise hva de har i skapet. Apparently her mom collects Vodka. If you put light on the Vodka Disco, you can see the reflections of the bottle on the wall. Just like a disco ball.
NO! we didn't drink 0 =)

Hannah og Singstar = nice.

Sandra og singstar er også nice.

whatcha lookin' at daw.

Embla og Charlotte...yata?

mamma kjøpte kebab...og man skulle skrive navnet.. =/

det var ikke digg.

kjedelig engelsk time = doodles og sms.

Vi hadde om Romeo og Julie...
" Romeo Romeo, where art thou, Romeo?"
"Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone..."
"Romeo and Juliet were stupid, that's why they died. Love kills." - lol!-

Andreas og Michelle under japansken...yepp..that's what they do.

the sweet couple...scary.

syntes det her var søt.


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