tirsdag 29. desember 2009

londooooooon booom

Good day, dear.
I'm in London, and the London Bridge is so near.
The captain said that the plane had some tech probs and we had to change planes...uuuh...1 hr delay...ugh.
Chaotic as! Uff...så mange folk! som om jeg var i Tokyo...! men men...så KFC  og måtte bare spise der =)
var på WinterWonderland her i parken og det var kooos <3
har bilder men orker ikkkkke å legge dem  ut...=P
senere nalang..


so I'll continue doing what I've planned?...oh God help me.

what? hold on to my dreams and vision? I thought I was gonna continue plan a? ano ba talaga?
ay naku..."Ditt valg, ikke hør på noen andre, ok?"
gaaaah...London help me =) spist mye her as!
Sjokolade, KFC, Starbucks imorgen, sushi, buffet...AH MAH GAWD!

WTF-er-det-med-deg-blikk fra mamma i dag as =)


søndag 27. desember 2009

Kiss goodbye...

Kiss the snooooooooow goodbye!
I'm going to London...although I think in some areas of England is also experiencing some snow...but way warmer than Oslo =P ...and I'm gonna meet Nicole and Athenna...i think =P

Anyway...was at Dars place again...with the same people I was with yesterday...yes...same place...same people...same hard path to walk on aka Dars' backyard. Ugh...it's already slippery from before...and now with 1000m snow!!! I'm lucky I didn't fall and have a snow-foundation as my makeup...

I don't wanna leave...yet I'm excited...
1 week...just one more week...
and it's school time.
I'm excited! Call me nerd...I missed school...AAAH?
Although I'll be ditching the 1st day of school...aaaanyway...I won't get my lenses before thursday...UGH!
1 more week to go...

Happy New Year

Ugh. Tongue. Ew.

uh...presidenten vår har en ganske lang tunge. Bow.


Spørsmål om egoisme.

Hey ya! =)
Møtte folka før vi dro til Dars...uff...
Is + trapper = super fail combination.
you don't wanna fall on ur butt, bounce down the 4 last stairs and make people stare at you...no. Hopefully I was lucky to not fall.
i THINK i saw a falling star mens jeg venta på bussen...men jeg tror ikke at det var et stjerneskudd...maybe it was? maybe it wasn't.

Bilder la la la =)

Ark. Salg. 3 for 2. 99 Kr. Just bought it. Manglet bare en bok til. Har ikke lest den ennå.

Ugh. Snø. 5000000m.

Alien. Andre. Alien - Andre? AA?AKA Alien? AAA?

Uhm. Yeah.

Dence vs Aldrin. Fifa. Maestro Harold og Maestro Andre. Lokings.

uhm. no comment.

Snø. 500000m. Tærne mine døde.


lørdag 26. desember 2009

"Us against the world..."

Got this song on my head all day...really nice song...and oh...just listen =)
I like her songs...they are so...i dunno...but yeah =)... and she's pretty <3

"Change" - T. Swift

And it's a sad picture, the final blow hits you
Somebody else gets what you wanted again
You know it's all the same, another time and place
Repeating history and you're getting sick of it

But I believe in whatever you do
And I'll do anything to see it through

Because these things will change, can you feel it now?
These walls that they put up to hold us back will fall down
It's a revolution, the time will come for us to finally win

We'll sing hallelujah!
We'll sing hallelujah! Oh

So we've been outnumbered, raided and now cornered
It's hard to fight when the fight ain't fair
We're getting stronger now from things they never found
They might be bigger but we're faster and never scared

You can walk away and say we don't need this
But there's something in your eyes says we can beat this

'Cause these things will change, can you feel it now?
These walls that they put up to hold us back will fall down
It's a revolution, the time will come for us to finally win

We'll sing hallelujah!
We'll sing hallelujah! Oh

Tonight we standed on our knees
To fight for what we worked for all these years
And the battle was long, it's the fight of our lives
Will we stand up champions tonight?

It was the night things changed, can you see it now?
These walls that they put up to hold us back fell down
It's a revolution, throw your hands up, 'cause we never gave in

We'll sing hallelujah!
We sang hallelujah!

like they say: c'mon...say bye.

watched HSM2 on the tv last night...and I stumbled upon a scene between Troy and Gabriella.
Gab leaves him 'coz Troy changed.
"I Gotta Go My Own Way"

I gotta say what's on my mind
Something about us
doesn't seem right these days

life keeps getting in the way
Whenever we try, somehow the plan
is always rearranged

It's so hard to say
But I've gotta do what's best for me
You'll be ok..

I've got to move on and be who I am
I just don't belong here
I hope you understand
We might find our place in this
world someday
But at least for now
I gotta go my own way

Don't wanna leave it all behind
But I get my hopes up
and I watch them fall everytime

Another colour turns to grey
and it's just too hard to watch it all
slowly fade away
I'm leaving today 'cause I've
gotta do what's best for me
you'll be ok..
I've got to move on and be who I am
I just don't belong here
I hope you understand
We might find our place in this
world someday
But at least for now
I gotta go my own way

What about us?
What about everything we've been through?

What about trust?

you know I never wanted to hurt you

and what about me?

What am I supposed to do?

I gotta leave but I'll miss you

I'll miss you

I've got to move on and be who I am

Why do you have to go?


I just don't belong here
I hope you understand

I'm trying to understand

We might find our place in this
world someday
but at least for now


I want you to stay


I wanna go my own way
I've got to move on and be who I am

What about us?

I just don't belong here
I hope you understand

I'm trying to understand

We might find our place in this
world someday
but at least for now
I gotta go my own way

This song's been on my mind since yesterday.UGH.



yes. snow. whole night. it's thick. really thick. snow on my window. a lot.

I haven't done anything this week than to eat, sit down infront of the laptop, watch tv...and oh yeah... EAT!
eat here, eat there eat everywhere. UUUUGH! chocolate chocolate chocolate.
this ain't healthy.

I want beaches, hot weather, tropical drink and such.
aaaaaaaaaah...i can only dream.


fredag 25. desember 2009


julemat =  fats!
kos though =)
Norglish =P

frokost: ostekake...blææææh
endelig fikk åpnet gaven og tadaaa! mobil <3
jeg må bare ha en get-to-know session med den =P
gleder meg til Londoooon <3


torsdag 24. desember 2009


Utrolig glad i ...JuL! <3
gaver, julemat, familie, kos, venner, julesanger,snø, Gud, julestemning.
aaaaah <3<3<3

Jul + Snø = white Christmas <3
Idag våknet jeg og tenkte: "jeg gleder meg til å åpne gavene..." men så slo det meg at: "OMG! jeg har ikke kjøpt gave til mamma!!!" Jeg sto opp med en eneste gang og dusjet! Jeg brukte nesten 1000kr. Jeg er blakk,ja. Så skal jeg til London også...omg..superblakk!

Var på messe...og det Fr. Red sa var uff...100% sant.
"Look for signals, maybe they're telling you that you are on the bad side"
" Take a break and reflect over what you are doing."
"Set a line. Did you cross it?"
"Think before you jump in."
"When you know that something fishy is going on...stop."
...etc...han sa mye mer... det fikk meg til å tenke.
Folk som hadde en anelse ga meg et "åååh-ayan-si-Father-Red-na-nagsabi-blikk =P hahaha!!!
Oh well.
 Jeg gleder meg såååååå mye...jeg skal rive gavepapiret as!

God Jul!!!


onsdag 23. desember 2009

Love Actually

watching this romantic comedy called, Love Actually.
Has a lot of famous actors in it. Funny scenes and amazingly romantic ones, too!

there's this really sad scene between this guy and a portugese girl.
She was his maid...then their feelings develop. She can't understand english nor french. But he only speaks english. Aaaw...so they can't really understand each other. When she was gonna leave...they said their goodbyes...she said what she'll miss about him...in portugese...and he was clueless. He had this what-the-hell-is-she-talking-about-face. Then she suddenly kissed him...and walked away =( Crying as she walked by the pavement. He just got inside his car.
Über sad.

Keira Knightly is so pretty! Ridiculous movie! must see


anyway...my mom just changed the channel... =(
i'll change it back.

God Jul


16000 km up up and away from me

Christmas is only a day away.
Can't wait to open the gifts.
But I can't feel Christmas yet.
feels so different this year.
I think I already got my present though.
Oh well.
God Jul

New Moon Quotes:
" It's like a hole has been punched through my chest." - Bella
"But In a way, I'm glad. The pain is the only reminder that he was real" - Bella
-"It's twilight. It's the safest time of day for us. The easiest time. But also the saddest, in a way, the end of another day, the return of the night."
-"I like the night. Without the dark, we'd never see the stars."
- Bella & Edward

"If I should stay...I would only be in your way...So I'll go...something something"

tirsdag 22. desember 2009

pluss minus grader

1 day down
few more to go.
gleder meg no' sykt!
god jul
Woke up at 11.45 am and was not so surprised to see black stains on my blanket... ikke spør.
Rach visited me today.Well..i was supposed to meet her at the city...but I went home and just took a nap...so I asked her to come here =P
weeew...wake up slap in my face...no she did not slap me haha! =P im just saying.
anyway...I forgot a lot of things...she just refreshed it for me. Crap...I really forgot them. Ugh.

I got a present from her too!...well she told me not to open it...but the moment she walked through the door...OPEN! haha! =P
aaaah...I really had a good time with her.
forgot my worries and just...laughed!
it's nice.
God Jul <3



These past few months...i started to feel like I don't know "me" anymore.
hva driver jeg med egentlig? hvem er jeg? Hvor går grensene mine egentlig? Ano ba.

var ute med Dence, Nicole og Andie.
Loket og spiste bare.
-6,3 grader.
er utrolig trøtt...fikk ikke sove hele natten.
jeg dør. zzz...

Hey Stephen - Taylor Swift
(who is Stephen?) anyway...i like the song...read the lyrics.

Hey Stephen, I know looks can be deceiving
But I know I saw a light in you
And as we walked we were talking
I didn't say half the things I wanted to

Of all the girls tossing rocks at your window
I'll be the one waiting there even when it's cold
Hey Stephen, boy, you might have me believing
I don't always have to be alone

'Cause I can't help it if you look like an angel
Can't help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain so
Come feel this magic I've been feeling since I met you
Can't help it if there's no one else
Mmm, I can't help myself

Hey Stephen, I've been holding back this feeling
So I got some things to say to you
I've seen it all, so I thought
But I never seen nobody shine the way you do

The way you walk, way you talk, way you say my name
It's beautiful, wonderful, don't you ever change
Hey Stephen, why are people always leaving?
I think you and I should stay the same

'Cause I can't help it if you look like an angel
Can't help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain so
Come feel this magic I've been feeling since I met you
Can't help it if there's no one else
Mmm, I can't help myself

They're dimming the street lights, you're perfect for me
Why aren't you here tonight?
I'm waiting alone now, so come on and come out
And pull me near and shine, shine, shine

Hey Stephen, I could give you fifty reasons
Why I should be the one you choose
All those other girls, well, they're beautiful
But would they write a song for you?

I can't help it if you look like an angel
Can't help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain so
Come feel this magic I've been feeling since I met you
Can't help it if there's no one else
Mmm, I can't help myself

If you look like an angel
Can't help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain so
Come feel this magic I've been feeling since I met you
Can't help it if there's no one else
Mmm, I can't help myself

Can't help myself
I can't help myself

crazy day.

crazy day.
slept at 8am ( eyebags, yes) then woke up at 1pm.
Then met Dence, Joanna, Carl and Nicole at McDo.
they were talking about crazy things. CRAZY...super...! guy talk...ugh....blæh.
then met Andre and MG...and Ernie!
We said bye to Ernie and ate at Burger King.

Smedberg. Harold.MG.Andre.Carl.Tantan.Julian.Dars.Chris.Dence. Rush Hour. Lættis.
Snort. Fail. Bad/Mean 7. Fun.

Went home early. My mom is kinda pissed 'coz I got home around 1am last night. oh well.
It was freezing cold...!

God Jul!


mandag 21. desember 2009

it's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday...

-9 grader.
handlet mat med mamma...ugh...julemat = fats.
kirke. jeg fikk dessverre ikke med meg hva presten sa =(
tror ikke Julian og Harold fikk med seg noe heller...hmm...wonder why? kan hende at det var gaven som distraherte? nei da. jeg hadde vanskeligheter med å følge med. Fikk bare 4 elr 5t søvn. <3
Vi spiste på BK. Uff...rare folk satt ved doen...og hørte på anime-musikk eller noe freaky greier...og de gikk inni jentedoen? =/...3 gutter og 1 jente...? og de var skikkelig rare...uff da. Gutta drev med å rappe... iPhone + application + earphones = kaos. =P nei da...!
"Ja, det er Harold og Julian som rapper her. Ja, Ja, Ja og vi skal rappe om alt. Ja Ja Ja"
"Ja Ja Ja" burde være tittelen.
så dro vi til Deli for å kjøpe kakao og oreo cake <3 nam! men ble kvalm av all sjoko.
det var iskaldt ute...
Ca. kl 22 dro vi til Carl og spilte Rock Band...vi faila. Vi skulle egentlig bare være der i 15min. men nei daaa =P (Carl, Joanna H, Andrea, Andre, Julian, Julianne, Harold and Nicole)
Jeg faila med sangen =P vanskelig jo!
Har ikke sett Nix siden YGT så det var koselig!!!
ble lettet at han ene duden ikke var der =P
var i byen før kl 00...men kom hjem...kvart på kl 01?
uff as...so cold.
Det var ja...rare folk på banen. Og folk som prøvde å løpe...fordi de skulle rekke banen...haha!!! =P
aaaaw... vi så bilder fra 1896? på jernbanetorget...og vi var ikke helt sikre på om de var jenter eller gutter i balletttttkjoler =P
shiiiiii* så trist.
hun lille jenta hadde egentlig rett.
jeg ville ikke hjem. snap. første gang at jeg følte at jeg måtte bare være i byen og ikke dra hjem.
aaaaaw fy...
visste det fra før av...men innså alt nå bare. oh crap? går det an å være dummere? =P
oh les:

serr...skjønner ikke hvordan horoskop kan stemme?
big break...daw. Lunch break, please?
one word:

God Jul, folkens!


søndag 20. desember 2009

Mais - aktig...?

I'm like a vampire.
I sleep when everybody else wakes up to go to work or something.
Like today...I slept at kl 07...then my mom woke up to get ready for work...and I was trying my best not to be busted for not sleeping yet.
I just woke up. 5hrs of sleep usually ain't enough...but I feel fine and energized...oh well...we'll see.
I wish I could teleport myself as well.
Some of my wishes came true by wishing upon a falling star.
I wonder if it will come true if I wished for super powers? =P maybe not.
less than a week and then it's Christmas time!
aaaaaaaaaaaw... a part of me doesn't want it to be Christmas yet...but...another part of me just wants to rip off the gift wrapper and open the booooox!
my old phone is sweet and all... + good memories...but it is crappy.

me want ...now!
englene synger høyt i kor
synger om fred på vår jord
verden var aldri helt forlatt
en stjerne skinner i natt


Jeg vant "Mais" konkurransen.

we're falling to a place where you ain't backing down...and I ain't backing down...so what the hell do we do now...

kl er 02.27
og jeg får ikke sove...det er fordi jeg våknet kl 16 :P
men er sulten...
men er lat også... så jeg orker ikke å hente mat
wanna see avatar now, hay nako.
thought it was just like any other fiction movies, but after a lot of pipz telling me how nice it was
...kinda makes me wanna watch it now.

God Jul

lørdag 19. desember 2009

og jorden fylles med sang...

på torsdag var jeg på Aker Brygge og sjekket ut Julemarkedet.
Utrolig koselig og lysene + stjernene = <3
- 15 grader. uff. =)

Siste skoledag.
Bye bye Skole =)
YFL Christmas Party.
Var på Deli med MG, Joanna, Kimberly,Andre, Julian, Dars og Carl.
Checked. daw.
utrolig kaldt.
mista bussen på vei hjem.
Oslo City.
"Stengt inne". daw =P

Sov kl 01...våkna kl 03...sov kl 06...våkna kl 12...sov kl 12...våkna 16
har ikke gjort noe fornuftig i dag.
så på One Tree Hill
(man lærer mye av den serien as)

I don't even wanna count.

God Jul

torsdag 17. desember 2009


nope...none...nada...no shooting star tonight...
anyway...here's a star that will shine for a long time...atleast for me...then hello soap and water =P

En stjerne skinner i natt...<3


uno, dos, tres,cuatro!!!

During disco time at our Christmas Ball...Joanna M was like...
"Uno, dos, tres, cuatro!!!"
"I know you want me, You know I want you, I know you want meeee...You know I want you"
I didn't know the lyrics...only that line...so I only sang during chorus =P
Anyway... got some pix from the Tea Soiree...and Juleball 09 <3

Sushiiiii <3


Mari <3

Mari, meg og Alara...

Mari var litt...skækk...nei da =)

kl 01?

Eskild var faktisk skækk =) kødda...daw.

Pink, Yellow, Pink

D... Poke

The Blue Room

Meg, Alara, Kimberly og Hannah.

Sandra, Meg og Alara



Fail 100%.
Woke up kl 10.
Showered, Dressed up...then slept again.
Woke up at kl 14. School started at kl 12.30.
Oh well.
Christmas lights at night. <3 <3 <3.
Stairs...dangerous...super farlig =P
Why are you doing this, Julianne?
I dunno...I just do it. Just waiiiit =)

Today was FREEZING COLD!...
- 7 or -8 degrees.
On the way to the city : it was ok, not freezing, not hot either.
City: warm and nice...just right.
On the way home: Holy crap! Am I in a freezer?

Koselig dag...men ikke gjort noe produktivt :)
or maybe I have?

God Jul!


Apen + Hanen = ikke egnet med hverandre.

Stupid horoscope. Just picks this time to be true.

It is easier to make cutbacks now than later on once you are already in gear. ouch. saw that coming, though.

But even if this sounds good and you feel great about what you are currently doing, be careful not to ignore the complex is sues that are lurking just beneath the surface...

Oddly, you aren't over concerned about what may happen because you believe that whatever occurs will be better than being stuck where you are...

But horoscopes and such can't steer my life. They are like...warnings. But I don't let them live my life, I just read them. The chinese astrology says a lot of things too..."PISS" daw...
"God holds your life" - Passion
har masse, men tør ikke...

"hvorfor fortsetter du da?"
Jeg vet ikke...jeg vet ikke... men bare vent. Just...wait.

onsdag 16. desember 2009

"It's alright, it's alright...it's alright"

Det hadde vært 1000 ganger lettere hvis vi kunne forutsi fremtiden.
Da slipper vi å lure og la fantasien vandre.
Nei, dette er ikke et emo innlegg, slapp av =P bare en "tanke" - innlegg =P
Jeg kan ikke la være å ikke tenke,
jeg vet at det er teit.
Kan hende at du blir lei av all whiningen, men jeg kan ikke noe for det.
"Ta livet som det faller seg" - daw fra Disneys Jungelboken.
Eh?Vi kan ikke leve av joyride hele tiden og plutselig få en schmæk (LOL)
i ansiktet når vi minst forventer det.
"Elefanter er små på avstand"
I wonder where the future will take us.
Oh well.
Back to gift wrapping for me =)
Fikk en ny mobil...12.1 mpx! AAAH! men nei da....får ikke bruke den før jul... =( nedtur.
Mamma: "Nei! I-wrap mo muna."
Result? Whine.

God Jul <3


i miss you.

i miss this kid.
I haven't seen him for quite a while now.
oh well.
I thought I was gonna see him, but London happened =)maybe next year?
i'm super excited.
Denne dagen har vært en utrolig slitsom dag.
Sto opp 10 og hadde time kl 1230, men jeg hadde 0 motivasjon.
sliten, trøtt og utslitt.
I går:
Skole (9-1130) DIGG! men jeg forsov meg...så...10 - 1130 <3
Chopsticks...happy dude was working again =P
Karl Johan.
JULEBALL 09 <3 (bilder kommer snart..i think)
dro til en venninne kl 01
overnattet der...
I dag
skole 12.30 - 15 (boring egentlig)
Oi hei.
Oslo City
(kjøpte julepynt til Christmas Party med Andre og Tantan)

...har ikke gjort mye idag, men jeg er skikkelig sliten etter ballet.

kanskje jeg skal sove nå?


mandag 14. desember 2009

"All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth"


ser på simpsons og gjør meg klar til imorgen...
juleball <3
må finne fram kjolen, fikse det og det, sovepose, skal overnatte =)
det blir koselig!

18 til 01.
men har skole dagen etter... =(



Lessons learned - Alicia K.

You said "I told you so".
"You saw it long ago...you knew he had to go."
"Falling down ain't falling down if you don't cry when you hit the floor."
" You give him one more chance, just like the time before, but he already knows, you'd give a hundred more"
Alicia K. er genial når det kommer til music&lyrics.

One Tree Hill.
Peyton: This is wrong, we can't do this.
Lucas: I know, but it only makes it deeper...

Stupid or Romantic?


broken strings - J. morrison

jeg fikk ikke sett stjerneskudd i går =(
kanskje fordi...nei...kanskje fordi det var så overskyet...fail.
var skikkelig sliten i går natt...men jeg måtte være oppe. Jeg ville være oppe.
utrolig glad i deg men samtidig så...
gjett hvem som faila i dag?
ja, jeg sto opp halv 10. *klapp klapp*
så skulle jeg være på skolen kl 10.
siden det er skolevalg for elevrådsrepresentanter, så er folka et eller annet sted...ikke inni klasserommet ihvertfall...og jeg gadd ikke å lete etter dem fordi jeg er fortsatt trøtt og øynene mine er fremdeles halv lukket...tulla...men ja..jeg er utrolig sliten.
So I'm stuck here at the computer room...for 5min til...så skal jeg møte de andre fordi hele klassen skal på skøyter. Igjen. Og det er superdupercold ute...og jeg hadde ikke tid til å føne håret og spise og alt. Uff...jeg whiner =P
let me hold you for the last time,
it's the last chance to feel again,
oh it tears me up. I try to forgive but it hurts too much
I try to forget but it's not enough
to make it all ok.

You can't play on broken strings
you can't feel anything
that your heart don't wanna feel.
I can't tell you something that ain't real.
For the truth hurts, and lies worse
- Broken Strings by James Morrison feat. Nelly Furtado-
gotta go!


søndag 13. desember 2009

shooting stars.

Natt til mandag + mandag. kl 06.10. METEOR SHOWER PARTY!...shower-party xD!
I følge VGnett så er det natt for stjerneskudd!
go watch, tilt ur head outisde the window. I'm doing it right....NOW!


million thoughts at once. Overload. Warning.

utrolig glad i meg og er kjemperedd for å miste meg?
one word. Ditto.
det var icecold/freezer/north pole cold i dag!
du aner ikke!
og det verste er at på torsdag...så er det meldt -14 grader om kvelden og -11 om dagen.
skal ta med dyna til skolen as.
I had to freaking buy the gift Carl was gonna give her gf coz he's afraid to buy girly stuff. omg.
burger king. fat lady. floor crushed.
just joking.


lørdag 12. desember 2009

Bitch Slap.

"It's easier to stop early than wait for it to be longer."
A message from a random fortune cookie I got for like...4months ago?
The stupid thing is that, I already knew what it meant. What it was about. Still I ignored it.

(I think I saved that message, I will find it.)
I will begin the hopeless search through my jungle-like drawer =)
oh why can't you see?
Er ikke det her for det beste? Be smart now.
Vil ikke miste meg.
Vil ikke miste deg heller.
Hvordan kan vi miste hverandre, når vi har aldri hatt hverandre?
My face hurts.
My hands hurt.
My stomach hurts.
B-slap, 3times by Carl. Uff. soo hard...30% lang daw! 30? FULL-OUT JO!
It kinda woke me up.
Wake up call. Wake up slap?
My hands. Jonathan slapped it 4 times? I lost the game =P
Stomach? oh my gooosh...FOOD AT THE PAAAARTY!
will post something about the Tea Soiree tomorrow?

1)good night.
2)sweet dreams.
3)sleep well.
wish me good luck in following these three steps.

I'm Sorry

No sir, well I don't wanna be the blame, not anymore. 
It's your turn, so take a seat we're settling the final score. 
And why do we like to hurt so much? 
I can't decide
You have made it harder just to go on And why, all the possibilities where I was wrong 

That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa.
That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa. 
I drowned out all my sense with the sound of its beating. 
And that's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa.
I wonder, how am I supposed to feel when you're not here.
'Cause I burned every bridge I ever built when you were here.
I still try holding onto silly things, I never learn. 
Oh why, all the possibilities I'm sure you've heard. 
That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa. 
That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa. 
I drowned out all my sense with the sound of its beating (beating)
And that's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa.
Pain make your way to me, to me. 
And I'll always be just so inviting. 
If I ever start to think straight, This heart will start a riot in me, Let's start, start, hey! 

nope. No riot allowed.  
May the best one win?
Never has been a competition.
No, sir. No.
wonder if what I did was right?
Wonder if what I'm gonna do will pay off in the long run?
wonder if it's all gonna be alright.
Yes, it will be. If I let my mind take over matter.


JJJ's gone wild

JJJ's gone wild. Spam much? Stakkars Amalie som har "like" statusen min...hun fikk sikkert mange notifications xD!

God Natt

fredag 11. desember 2009

Walking in a winter wonderland <3

Ice Skating.
Bea og Ian skal til Pinas.
Last Outing før de drar.
there was this weird lady...dancing...feeling the rhythm...shaking her thaaang...alone.
Yes, alone. Then she kept pointing at other people she didn't even know. Weird.
Then this indian music was on the speaker...she was dancing some bollywood stuff...again...alone.
She has the guts to do so, I give her creds.

stolen pix from the rightful owner, Dars. <--- click!

MG, Carl og meg...really cold.

oi oi oi...Andre og MG..tsktsktsk..nei da <3

Andre: Whine and Choke.
Julian: I see a bird.
Tan: No comment.

Dars' Challenge:
Rock, Paper and Scissors.
The loser must "grab/steal" the Christmas Decoration (yes, decoration) from the lady's neck. (yes, she had this yellow, shiny thingy around her neck...as a scarf. I think it was her bachelor party)...after grabing it...put it on your own neck.

Tomorrow is Adventsaksjon Day!
Youngstorget. Samle inn penger. Vietnam.
ha på varme klær.

oi haha fail.
I'm taking everything so seriously.
Loosen up a little.
Take initiative.
Nei, Carl. Nei. Jeg tør ikke. Er du skækk?
Just laugh.
Live life.
Live, Love, Laugh.
Takk, C.

oh so disappointed at myself...

but it's just anothe rpretty lie, coz i break down, everytime you come around...woah woah...
so how did you get here under my skin?! i swore that I'd never let you back in, i should have known better in trying to let you go, coz here we go go go again.
Here we go - demi l.

Æsj sånn serr...hva driver jeg med?


torsdag 10. desember 2009

oh how many times have I broken your heart, still you forgive...if only I ask... ( All for love - Hillsong)

aww..så søte de er, ikke sant?...just wait until you swim into deeper seas, sier jeg bare...

a date with Obama...waited an hour for nothing =P
vi sto der i en time jo...!
Hei. Karl Johan. City Night Lights. Aw. Cocoa. Ice Skating. Superdupercold. Froze. Warm. Didn't help much but yeah. Funny kid hopping around. supercold wind. t-bane. Hei Sandra. Oi da. Bye Sandra. Hei t-bane. oi hei 29 + 3 ubesvarte anrop fra Tan og Andre =P...Bye...
Hei Tan og Andre.
Gift. OMG DYRT JO. Kort. Oi dyrt og. Fail. Waited for Obama foran rand Hotel. Met K. Ian and Steven. Heftiiiig coldness as! Stomachs making noises. Hungry people. Security. WILL SMITH!!! <3 he was soooooo handsome =) ...and tall...tall dark and handsome...perfect =)
Ate at TexBurger with them. Tan libre meg. Nam TexBurger Hawaii with Pineapple...! NAAAAM!
Æsj. Kan tantan og Andre slutte å ta på hverandre? ew leom. =)
Æsj. vi så ikke obama...men vi så will smith! <3 kos!

...men jeg har geo prøve i morgen...så...gotta go stappe hjernen min med kjedelige fakta.


O in O!

Obama in the house!
Den amerikanske presidenten Barack Obama har ankommet til Norge.
oooh...i wonder why a lot of people hate him. I don't I don't DIGG him either...neutral =P
but anyways..it's nice to have him in Oslo...although busses have to take a detour and streets were closed...
anyway...during recess, a friend of mine wanted to go ice skating...why not? so we went there...50m from Grand Hotel..where Obama was staying...we were like "Should we check him out?"...njæh... oh well =)
would have been nice to see him...but it's not that big of a deal =)
on the way back to school...(15min left)...we were like..."let's run!"...but noooo... the street was closed...and guards were blocking the streets...we couldn't pass before a parade og black cars were done passing...exciting...but we didn't get to see Obama... =(...oh well...
it was really cool to see those black official cars with flags and such passing through the narrow streets of Oslo =)...helicopters were circling the whole city and above our school..it was "flying" so low...
uff...loud noises but hella cool =)
loooook at this... =)

The Norwegian Queen felt short when she was standing beside Michelle O. haha!
"Jeg skulle ønske jeg var høyere"...du er ikke alene as, for å si det sånn =P
oooh...han kunne ha utløst atomkrig fra slottet...tsk tsk tsk =)

oh well...
the lyrics to Bad Romance by Lady Gaga is so weird...=)
g2g...! gotta meet Andre and Tantan soon! =)

Obama in Oslo


this kid is just soooo adorable!

super cute! better than the original...ok maybe not...but it's sooo darn cute <3


onsdag 9. desember 2009

daily forecast...

it's CRUCIAL for me to learn how to get on by LESS...

Quiero saber si puedo estar en tu mundo
Quiero saber si lo que sientes es profundo no

Yo quiero que tu me digas
Nesecito que me lo digas
Yo quiero que tu me digas
Mi amor seguira creciendo mas (bis)
Yo quiero que tu me digas
Necesito que me lo digas
Yo quiero que tu me digas
Mi amor seguira creciendo mas y mas
Dimelo - Voices of Theory

good night.
now I'm back to my normal routine...sleeping early...
well atleast I think I am...but I don't think I'll be able to sleep though.
Was so used to sleep late.
now...let's say it's not actual.
