tirsdag 22. desember 2009

pluss minus grader

1 day down
few more to go.
gleder meg no' sykt!
god jul
Woke up at 11.45 am and was not so surprised to see black stains on my blanket... ikke spør.
Rach visited me today.Well..i was supposed to meet her at the city...but I went home and just took a nap...so I asked her to come here =P
weeew...wake up slap in my face...no she did not slap me haha! =P im just saying.
anyway...I forgot a lot of things...she just refreshed it for me. Crap...I really forgot them. Ugh.

I got a present from her too!...well she told me not to open it...but the moment she walked through the door...OPEN! haha! =P
aaaah...I really had a good time with her.
forgot my worries and just...laughed!
it's nice.
God Jul <3

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