søndag 6. desember 2009

sov. sov. late.

jeg dusja kl 18.
men messen begynner kl 18 hver søndager...

Dence.Julian.37 buss. run.gloves didn't help.
dro til kirka. rakk ikke lesninger. rakk kommunion tho.
var i kirken i 10min? uff. Bye Dence. Hello fail dude trying to dance some...weird...kind of dance? :S
We laughed at him. Walked slowly.Waited for the weird kid to pass us. Started laughing again.
We imitated him. We looked stupid as well. FAIL. Hello Deli de Luca cashier. Bye cashier.
Walk. City. Cafe Au Lait...i think. City night lights. weird dude kicking a soda cup.
a kid with yellow balloon. She coughed. Cough. Cough. Cough. Sick but eating ice cream? niiiice. i do that too =)
Hei buss. Bye Julian. Hello weird dude on the bus.
hello internet.


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