søndag 27. desember 2009

Kiss goodbye...

Kiss the snooooooooow goodbye!
I'm going to London...although I think in some areas of England is also experiencing some snow...but way warmer than Oslo =P ...and I'm gonna meet Nicole and Athenna...i think =P

Anyway...was at Dars place again...with the same people I was with yesterday...yes...same place...same people...same hard path to walk on aka Dars' backyard. Ugh...it's already slippery from before...and now with 1000m snow!!! I'm lucky I didn't fall and have a snow-foundation as my makeup...

I don't wanna leave...yet I'm excited...
1 week...just one more week...
and it's school time.
I'm excited! Call me nerd...I missed school...AAAH?
Although I'll be ditching the 1st day of school...aaaanyway...I won't get my lenses before thursday...UGH!
1 more week to go...

Happy New Year

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