mandag 7. desember 2009

give up?

this is hard.
i wanna give up
too much but too little time
a little too late
i don't have much time.
my fault.
i really don't wanna skip school, i wanna take the test, but it's just too much, my fault tho for not
reading and studying hard. vil ikke skulke. har for mye fravær pga sykdom (SANT!)
i really need to stop FAILING in everything i do.
gotta come up with a plan.
guess i should have been more careful.
now im screwed =P haha

- to not fail
-to have motivation for school
-to even wake up early
-to study harder
- just be better

haaaay nko
hva har skjedd med meg?

Hi, I'm Julianne. Nice to meet you.


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