torsdag 10. desember 2009

O in O!

Obama in the house!
Den amerikanske presidenten Barack Obama har ankommet til Norge.
oooh...i wonder why a lot of people hate him. I don't I don't DIGG him either...neutral =P
but's nice to have him in Oslo...although busses have to take a detour and streets were closed...
anyway...during recess, a friend of mine wanted to go ice skating...why not? so we went there...50m from Grand Hotel..where Obama was staying...we were like "Should we check him out?"...njæh... oh well =)
would have been nice to see him...but it's not that big of a deal =)
on the way back to school...(15min left)...we were like..."let's run!"...but noooo... the street was closed...and guards were blocking the streets...we couldn't pass before a parade og black cars were done passing...exciting...but we didn't get to see Obama... =(...oh well...
it was really cool to see those black official cars with flags and such passing through the narrow streets of Oslo =)...helicopters were circling the whole city and above our was "flying" so low...
uff...loud noises but hella cool =)
loooook at this... =)

The Norwegian Queen felt short when she was standing beside Michelle O. haha!
"Jeg skulle ønske jeg var høyere"...du er ikke alene as, for å si det sånn =P
oooh...han kunne ha utløst atomkrig fra slottet...tsk tsk tsk =)

oh well...
the lyrics to Bad Romance by Lady Gaga is so weird...=)
g2g...! gotta meet Andre and Tantan soon! =)

Obama in Oslo

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