torsdag 17. desember 2009


Fail 100%.
Woke up kl 10.
Showered, Dressed up...then slept again.
Woke up at kl 14. School started at kl 12.30.
Oh well.
Christmas lights at night. <3 <3 <3.
Stairs...dangerous...super farlig =P
Why are you doing this, Julianne?
I dunno...I just do it. Just waiiiit =)

Today was FREEZING COLD!...
- 7 or -8 degrees.
On the way to the city : it was ok, not freezing, not hot either.
City: warm and nice...just right.
On the way home: Holy crap! Am I in a freezer?

Koselig ikke gjort noe produktivt :)
or maybe I have?

God Jul!


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