torsdag 17. desember 2009

uno, dos, tres,cuatro!!!

During disco time at our Christmas Ball...Joanna M was like...
"Uno, dos, tres, cuatro!!!"
"I know you want me, You know I want you, I know you want meeee...You know I want you"
I didn't know the lyrics...only that I only sang during chorus =P
Anyway... got some pix from the Tea Soiree...and Juleball 09 <3

Sushiiiii <3


Mari <3

Mari, meg og Alara...

Mari var litt...skækk...nei da =)

kl 01?

Eskild var faktisk skækk =) kødda...daw.

Pink, Yellow, Pink

D... Poke

The Blue Room

Meg, Alara, Kimberly og Hannah.

Sandra, Meg og Alara


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