onsdag 23. desember 2009

Love Actually

watching this romantic comedy called, Love Actually.
Has a lot of famous actors in it. Funny scenes and amazingly romantic ones, too!

there's this really sad scene between this guy and a portugese girl.
She was his maid...then their feelings develop. She can't understand english nor french. But he only speaks english. Aaaw...so they can't really understand each other. When she was gonna leave...they said their goodbyes...she said what she'll miss about him...in portugese...and he was clueless. He had this what-the-hell-is-she-talking-about-face. Then she suddenly kissed him...and walked away =( Crying as she walked by the pavement. He just got inside his car.
Über sad.

Keira Knightly is so pretty! Ridiculous movie! must see


anyway...my mom just changed the channel... =(
i'll change it back.

God Jul


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