søndag 20. desember 2009

Mais - aktig...?

I'm like a vampire.
I sleep when everybody else wakes up to go to work or something.
Like today...I slept at kl 07...then my mom woke up to get ready for work...and I was trying my best not to be busted for not sleeping yet.
I just woke up. 5hrs of sleep usually ain't enough...but I feel fine and energized...oh well...we'll see.
I wish I could teleport myself as well.
Some of my wishes came true by wishing upon a falling star.
I wonder if it will come true if I wished for super powers? =P maybe not.
less than a week and then it's Christmas time!
aaaaaaaaaaaw... a part of me doesn't want it to be Christmas yet...but...another part of me just wants to rip off the gift wrapper and open the booooox!
my old phone is sweet and all... + good memories...but it is crappy.

me want ...now!
englene synger høyt i kor
synger om fred på vår jord
verden var aldri helt forlatt
en stjerne skinner i natt


Jeg vant "Mais" konkurransen.

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