lørdag 12. desember 2009

Bitch Slap.

"It's easier to stop early than wait for it to be longer."
A message from a random fortune cookie I got for like...4months ago?
The stupid thing is that, I already knew what it meant. What it was about. Still I ignored it.

(I think I saved that message, I will find it.)
I will begin the hopeless search through my jungle-like drawer =)
oh why can't you see?
Er ikke det her for det beste? Be smart now.
Vil ikke miste meg.
Vil ikke miste deg heller.
Hvordan kan vi miste hverandre, når vi har aldri hatt hverandre?
My face hurts.
My hands hurt.
My stomach hurts.
B-slap, 3times by Carl. Uff. soo hard...30% lang daw! 30? FULL-OUT JO!
It kinda woke me up.
Wake up call. Wake up slap?
My hands. Jonathan slapped it 4 times? I lost the game =P
Stomach? oh my gooosh...FOOD AT THE PAAAARTY!
will post something about the Tea Soiree tomorrow?

1)good night.
2)sweet dreams.
3)sleep well.
wish me good luck in following these three steps.

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