søndag 1. november 2009

297th: oooops

i didn't blog yesterday...
'coz....i dunno...

i was planning on attending a gathering... =)
but my mom was like:
"you're always with your friends"
"party here, party there"


i had no choice...
so we decorated the house with cobwebs... :S okeeey?
and rented movies...and bought some...
the ones we rented...were bluray....and i have no bluray player omg..fail!

by midnight...my mom decided to sleep...
but not me =)
i stayed at the living room...and watched the simpsons (HALLOWEEN SPECIAL!)
until 3'oclock in the morning =)
discussing some episodes with this dude...
my body was aching from lying on the floor for 3 hrs... =)
i was so lazy..the couch is only 5cm away...
i really should shower now...'coz I'm late...
not really...but yeah =)

see yaaaaa =)


"wish you were there" -j- awwww

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