søndag 15. november 2009

happy bday bea =)

Happy 18th Birthday Bea!
endelig 18 =D
du er heeeeeerlig =)

Yesterday we met up at Harold's place to give her a surprise bday dinner =)
but I had no idea where Harold lives...and I got lost...haha!!! =)
anyway... for dinner we had pasta...which was very delicious...and cakes...apple cake and Firkløver cake with Lion Pops =) NAM! <3
then we watched Paranormal Activity...
and I regret having to watch it because I BEAcame paranoid...omg...
then on out way home...
we had to RUN!
because the bus was leaving in a few minutes...and wooow it's a downhill...and it was raining
argh...! i was supposed to meet my mom at 22.30 at oslo ct...but we didn't catch the bus...so we had to wait for like...30min or so...and it was coooold!
and my mom waited for 30 in the rain...she was angry...again =P
So I was in the bus with Warren and we talked about how he stood at the never ending line for Jimmy Choo Collection... ( yes, he's kidding ) I mean...hallllller...why stand for hours just to buy shoes? eh..the brand? fine.
and then we talked about the movie and i was still petrified...but then he said that it was fake....pheeeeeeeeeeeeeeew! what a relief =)

at dawn I couldn't sleep for many reasons...
1) the movie... =(
2) something I can't tell you... =(
3) crying and whining to my friends LOL! =(
4) kept figuring out whether i was gonna tell him what's wrong and how in the world would i say it?
5) i wasn't sleepy... ( but i forced myself to sleep or else i'll just keep thinking about it)

anyway...i have to read my book...the report is due today...and guess what!?
i haven't started... how nice...
let's concentrate...


1 kommentar:

bqueen91 sa...

Tusen takk, søta <3 du er HEEEEEEERLIG!