torsdag 5. november 2009

304th: dinosaurs and hearts...

munch munch and munch...
Crispy Chicken, Fanta and french fries at B.King with Dars n Julian last sunday
(late post)
more french fries dipped in ketchup/catsup or whatever...
and then I found this...

yes yes...a dinosaur formed french fry...
Dars was trying to get a picture with his brand new camera, which by the way is very nice, but it had
no batt left =(
and no, doesn't look like a turtle!

then...Dars told me about another incident...very similar to this one =)

a potato chip...formed like a heart =)
they preserved it in a cupboard...but their lola...ate it 
awww :)

you can be really mean, asså

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