torsdag 19. november 2009

Chopstix x 2 =)

we really should get some VIP cards at Chopsticks for eating there all the time =)
yes..yes.. chopstix for breakfast, lunch and dinner...well for me :)
i haven't eaten since...4pm yesterday...i woke up at kl rang...let's just say...i needed to talk to somebody...
(LIKE A have to see this btw...CLICK!)
anyway...i got hungry then...but it was like midnight...midnight snack? then i'd wait a long time for the food to digest...næh..i just slept =)
when joanna and I ordered our food...the owner was like...smiling weirdly...
he must have been thinking...

" you guys again?!?! =) "

anyway I:
+had my norsk tentamen...
+ met up with Joanna H. :)
+ went to a friend to get our tickets...hanged out a bit at Grim...with k. Jas :)
+ met Kimberly B.
+ ate at Chopstick with Joanna and Dars...met Katrina...
+ ate our fried rice and innbakt "guo" with sweet and sour sauce :) nam
+ Julian came and ate our leftovers coz...HALLO! the plate was so big...a lot of rice...but only 70 KR! :)
+ met Joanna's friend...Na? i don't remember her name...NaWee..or something...if u put her bro's name too...or something... :)
+ they went to see New Moon...! me want too!...gonna see it tomorrow :) <3 Jacooob <3...Edward <3
J+E = FTW! <3


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