onsdag 18. november 2009

innbakt banan med is?


 today I : 
+ had my english midyear exam...oooh...O_O
+ ate mini oreos :)
+ ate at Chopsticks with Joanna H.  (CLICK!)...and talked about lots of "stuff"... -_0

+ Carl (CLICK!) came and ate my oreos... o_O
+ then we saw Nicole and we went to McDo right after eating at Chopstick...food trip?

+ had my  japanese test...and i totally forgot about it! oh well...i think i got 1 question wrong.. =(
- mo.boses.narinig.ko.hindi.today.

tomorrow I'll:
- have my norwegian midyear test =( boooring...
+ meet up with Joanna H. (CLICK!) again...
+ get our tickets from k. Jas
+ sleep a lot


1 kommentar:

Joanna sa...

haha :D looking forward to talk about "stuff"/eat? with you again tomorrowwww <3