søndag 1. november 2009

298th: santa won't you visit me?

santa won't u visit me now? i've been a good girl...ok...maybe not completely... :S
but  I was at St. Olav this morning..and attended the norsk mass...with dars n julian..andie was supposed to come too but she took an earlier mass...

after the mass we went to burger king..'coz we haven't eaten breakfast nor lunch...i was so scared that my stomach was going to make some noises...thank God it didn't...

before the mass ended...the priest said...
" har noen av dere gravemaskin?" ahha! =) 'coz the heating system broke down and they needed to dig ..hmm haha! :D everyone laughed :D it was cold in the church and julian was like: your hands are so cold....but a guy sitting some rows infront of me had a really thin cardigan...he didn't look too cold... =/

anyway...on the way to BK, dars was like: uh, you can just give me the tickets, you husseled me... :P ladida ladida..and mentioning that he could have bought me food, but nooo...he had to pay the concert ticket...and every poster he sees...he would be like: i could have bought you that..but noo...haha! anywayyyyy!!!!

- then then then...i found...a dinosaur shaped french fry!...really! haha!! =) dars took a picture.. :D my phone is crappy =) i wonder if the cleaner found it :P
then then then...the musical talents take over...oh they are crazy :D you'll see next year :D
the making of...the band =) haha!! =)

im chatting with Dars...and laughing on prank calls!:P


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