tirsdag 17. november 2009


it's so weird
this day has been so... tiring...
1) woke up so early just to...make fried rice!
but i failed 'coz i was really slow...didn't have enough time

2) spanish class was boring...as usual...and swineflu is still spreading...
get well soon Kimberly H. and Sandra =)

3) mid-year exams tomorrow...and the rooms have been distributed...oh my...not that computer room...
it's so small...

4) geography lesson took too long...

5) chika chika with Joanna M =)

6) Math class...oh so interesting...but for some reason my head was not functioning
properly, but was able to concentrate better after getting "help" from a friend, takk =)

7) crazy classmates running around, bumping chairs and tables...
then somebody knocked the chair that was near
scared the daylights out of me =)

today...after school...i was feeling down for some reason...so I decided to go to...
guess where?

... St. Olav =)
i dunno why =)
so relaxing...so quiet and so awesome... =)

then off to the library...my books were due last week oooops...! 0 =)
then this girl...poked me and said:

Hi...do you remember me?
i said: eh...noi?
Girl: oh, you play the piano, right?
i said: eh...a bit
Girl: don't you remember me? I went to your house...
i said: eh... sorry can't remember...
Girl: oh ok...bye...! ( runs hurrily)
I said: ...ok?...
O_O weirdness O_O

then I saw the weirdest episode of Family Guy...
about Brian being so...yeah...


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