søndag 22. november 2009


uff...the weekend is almost over...but I haven't blogged about it :)

well let's start

I skipped school. tsk tsk tsk
Had a cinema night with some friends
Watched New Moon! AH! <3 better than the first movie. Pictures coming up...my memory card is with kuya ian
J.E FTW! <3
Went to G.A
practiced some songs and made our Intro Video for YGT...weirdness...

Woke up at 11am
Went to Joanna H. at 12.30
Attended the YFL Christmas Party...left after two hrs...oh my 150kr...
Went back to Joanna H.'s place to watch Transformers... it was really cozy and fun... =) i wish i never left that place...and then come back again..and then leave again...blabla...tiring...

Got home somewhere around kl 23.30 or something...
then we met a bunch of drunkards...we were like...uh oh...what to do? neh...we just crossed the road to avoid them...until this drunkard stopped beside us and started staring and talking...and he had a beer bottle on his hard...his eyes were plain...weird...we could see that he was totally wasted...Jaira just stood there and we were petrified...I just slammed the front door...he couldn't get in... oh what fun =) haha! :) fun... LOL!

Slept around 3.30am

the rest is still unwritten...

what an answer to a question. freaking weird. so...unusual...so...i wish the answer was not abstract. Not up to me to think or decide...coz that only makes everything a wee bit harder.

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