mandag 31. august 2009

182nd: slowly stars go out each night...

slowly stars go out each night,
dark meets light, kiss the sun goodnight...
new day though life's just begun...
I'm still holdin' my phone - [ original: ... you're now mine] <--- but i own no one :D

- meant to be by melissa polinar -

i was already lying on my bed, trying to sleep...then tring...! 1 new message
JEG SKVATT OMG! burde bytte lydvarselen på mobilen :P
i ended up watching the stars last night and admired the twinkling sky...hoping for another shooting star...


181: tring tring tring tring tring...


ninjas were running around our school like crazy at lunch time today... :D they were "killing" each other with a black sock...! haha!!! uff...

then off to japanese class which started at 16.30 and ended at 18:00 :(
as if i wasn't tired enough...i had to run to catch the bus to Majorstuen... music music music :D
got home :P

the weather today was really crappy... only 13 degrees celsius...sooo cold and it was raining...uff..grey skies this whole week :(

at gym class, we were playing soccer...and then...I got hit by the ball right at my stomach! uuuuuff...!!! then...after a the head! aaaah..HAHA!!! hjernecellene mine... :( hhaha!!!

i woke up at 6:30 and hit the snooze button till 7am...i didn't want to stand up (as usual) i really shouldn't sleep late at school nights... :D

<3 gym


søndag 30. august 2009

180th: miss...

something was missing today... :(

gratulerer med dagen, bestemor <3


179th: things u don't see everyday...

uhm...the title says it all :D


178th: count how many "J's" there are in this post :D

jeg kjedet meg (typisk) og bestemte meg for å se på bildene jeg har på mobilen... og fant dette:

pancit som er J.
heeeelt random! jeg lover dere! på fredag ca. kl 00,rett etter jeg kom hjem fra kino,
spiste jeg pancit :P
men så ringte telefonen og jeg mista en pancit-nudel ting på gulvet :(
så plukket jeg pancit-en og "kastet" den på en serviett...
i did NOT put it nicely back on the napkin...
and it looked like the letter J...
and my name starts with J, my dad's name starts with J
i love jokes, i like Jay Sean and here's a song that he sang
it's called
"Just a friend" -Jay Sean

if you wanna sing along...the lyrics are posted at the description
box <3

-counted the j's?-

-svaret mitt er ja-

177th: sunday...

100% på love calculator på iPhonen til Andrea <3
as if! :P

andy og oreo madness!!!

miiiin oreo madness<3

sushi, litago melk og treet etter messen!
woke up at 8! uff... så jeg bestemte meg for å ta 9.30 var 5 min for sent... :D haha!!!

så var eg ute med Andrea og spiste sushi og sjoko på deli de luca... :P så dro vi til Friday's og bestilte oreo madness!! naaaam<3 oreo + iskrem = naaaam!!!<3 vi loka rundt nationalteatret...snakka om masse rart... haha!!! jeg spiste sååå mye..magen min gjør vondt...


lørdag 29. august 2009

176th: on this day, Julianne...

On this day of your life, Julianne, we believe God wants you to know...
... that you are only as free as you imagine yourself to be.

There is nothing ''out there'' that's holding you down, - you are limiting yourself only with your own imagination. And your greatest limits are not even the ''cannot'' and the ''should not'', but the places where your imagination hasn't yet gone at all. There has never been a better time for you to open your eyes, let the imagination soar and see what more is possible.

I always thought that I am a dreamer...I really am... :D 'coz I'm pisces...i'm imaginative... i imagine, dream and think of "what if's" ..................................................................


175th: <3

<3<3<3 i was I curled my hair!!! <3<3<3 i look different...i'll try to work my so called magic on my hair again tomorrow...we'll see...maybe just beginner's luck? i <3 it! love love love love it <3
speaking of love...

love is a powerful use it wisely <3


174th: UFLAKS!

mamma ville at jeg skulle vaske klærne...så jeg trykka på start knappen på maskinen...1t og 35 min var vasketiden...<--- er det et ord?

gikk greit...chatta og gjorde lekser imens...helt til.....WHOOP PLASH!
slangen som leder vannet ut av maskinen...ble ødelagt...woooooooooo...vann overalt...! gulvet var helt...uff...kan ikke finne et ord som passer...ugh...måtte hente all slags ting som kunne absorbere vannet...panikk...! uff....flod!

uuuugh...jeg fiksa etter en halvtime...uff!! the water was everywhere AGAIN! fy fy!!! hva skjer a?!?!?!


173rd: AAAAAHHHH!!!



thank GOD!

:) :) :)

172nd: whyyyyy?

it's 02:16 am...

whyyyy call so late/early? :P


171st: 00.59 am....'s 00.59 am...and I got home...30min ago :D

I was outside with my friends...we watched "The Proposal" with Sandra Bullock and Ryan Renolds
...ok I admit...ryan renolds is quite handsome and charming...but sometimes...his closeups can be a little weird:P HAHA!!!

first we searched the mall looking for a gift, somebody's having her debut tomorrow...
then McDonalds' time! :D uuuuggh...! had to wait for a long time for my food...she gave the others their food first! uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh! the one preparing the food didn't even use gloveS! when I was working at the amusement park...we had to use gloves all the time...!!! was raining hard...grey skies and cold breeze...brrr...!!!

the proposaaaaal is soooooo funny..!!i recommend it <3!!! :D and watch it with a LOT of friends...and sit on the front and second row!!! haha... :Dwe were about 20 fun :D!!!
then there's this woman who was laughing sooo loud!!! ufff....!!! HAHA!!!

when i got home...i ate! and talked on the phone at the same time...i'm tired but to full to sleep...i ate about 15min ago :D

well...i'm reaaally's 1:07 am now...



fredag 28. august 2009

170th: daaaag...

uuuuff!! our teacher is sick again..three days in a row! so we did not have science class at 8.15 am...and had nothing to do until we just stayed at the classroom...some ate, did their homework, played cards...and ate while doing homework...<--- me :D * my stomach was making sounds...brrrr* ahaha!!

i failed as an alarm clock again...haha! i was really tired...didn't want to stand up... :P samfunnsfag...we were at the comp. room...and everyone was on FACEBOOK! ...while the teacher was talking...haha!! he was ok with it :D

finally MATH! some real education! hehe :P no sick teacher, no facebook...just math <3

oh well...

off to meet some friends and watch a movie... :D



torsdag 27. august 2009

169th: my life...

I was born on a Saturday and since my birthday...
I've been living for 16 years
I've been living for 197 months
I've been living for 859 weeks
I've been living for 6,018 days
I've been living for 144,446 hours
I've been living for 8,666,815 minutes
I've been living for 520,008,925 seconds
I've breathed more than 82,083,399 times!
I've blinked my eyes more than 87,008,399 times!
My heart has beaten more than 606,677,050 times!


" I'm still doing homework..."

168th: akinator...

hahaha...!! played this game where the Akinator was going to guess who i was thinking...results?

he guessed dad!

2nd time...he said " the boy you love but not your boyfriend" ... i was like..."love? i don't think soooo" :D

NOT THIS TIME! i was thinking of Seysey, I got Thuy Top?

he guessed henrik ibsen!!!! niiiice :D

167th: break the ice

ooooooooooh...sad days are gone :P... oh was only a matter of hours tho :p

166th: got used to it...

summer is over...and rain is pouring down on my window
it's not only the summer that is over...and it's not only rain that's making my cheeks wet...
maybe this is a wake up call? maybe I should stop depending on my fairytale world...

can't believe how fast everything minute you are so happy...then after that happy're feeling down...

ugh...masse lekser også..!! må konsentrere meg...og ikke på noe helt annet......


165th: uff...uff...uff...

hey guys ... the sky is grey...and so am I...

my so beloved "world" that I created and protected...the dimension that I run to when I am tired of the real starting to break down. Literally I'd say, BREAKING DAWN! my heart brok at dawn? world was last "visited" and shattered at dawn...over reacting here! haha!:P but seriously...

let's just say a new comer invaded my world but started great things too...but the more the invader gives, the greater hole it leaves when the new comer embarks on a new journey this is the concept of GIVE AND give...and take twice as hurts when you lose twice the amount you had...whatever...


164th: it goes...

remember my post about having heart aches!? well..guess what...they're here! freaking hell...
hurts... i getting weaker...uff!!!

last time?

00:54 :(

163: hooooooly crap!

hi people of this over populated world... I'm bored. Again...due to weird class schedules...I have 2 hours of freedom from school I am at home...eating... :D naaaam!

anyway...i really didn't want to stand up and go to school motivation... even in class...i was blank! cold ain't cooperating either...coughing at school ain't niiiice! ugh...!
i feel like something is wrong...did i do something wrong? say something wrong? or even THINK something wrong?! what in the world...!?

anyway...the sky is still grey..where's the sun..!?


onsdag 26. august 2009

162nd: chippy and orange juice

aww...still doing my homework...

gotta love him :D

I've got another lullaby that will help me sleep sweetly...found it on the net...

Story of My Life - Frankie J. <---- click it! <3

it's so nice...i love it... :D especially when he speaks spanish...aaaah <3

every little thing he does is magic... :D
every little thing he does makes me smile... :)
even the smallest thing makes my body tingle...
every little second makes it worthwhile... :D -lianne-

161st: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

awwwww <3
thanks :D

160th: this is what I was scared of...

uff...this is what I have been keeping myself from...being hurt... once or twice was enough... anyway...Pisces Horoscope:

For the Week of Aug 31st, 2009 -- The Moon is in your intuitive sign on Friday and into Saturday evening. This raises your emotional tides to such a high level that you're likely to go to extremes. And even if you're calm, changes by other people can keep your head spinning and your heart aching. Do your best to watch the craziness without being pulled into it.

I do NOT...i repeat... NOT want heartaches...that's just a big NO NO...

closed off from love...i didn't need the pain..once or twice was enough and it was all in vain...



159th: failed... xP!

the title says: Fail...which is what happened and still happening...

1. I was suppossed to be the alarm clock...i only read the message at 5am...forgot that my phone was on silent-mode... so I was 10min late... :D the alarm clock is laaaate... :D HAHA!

2. I forgot to bring something to school...argh

3. fashion victim today! ;P haha!!

4. i couldn't find my cardigan at 8am...i was supposed to be at school by then... i was running that i was on the phone...which makes it even harder to concentrate... :D sooorrryyy :D

5. forgot to bring my umbrella... so i had to climb to the 4th floor again...!! and...I'm late... :D *relax...i got there in time :D*

6. i had 3 hrs i planned to do some homework... result? ate and was online... :D!!!

7. on my way to the school...i met this scary guy who talked to me and asked questions... *ain't gonna give u details... :s *

8. our teacher is siiiick again... :D! yes! so we got to go home 2 hrs earlier-..- :D failed schedule ... :D

9. I bought juice and milk...which i should've put in the fridge 15 min ago...*gonna do that now...*

10. I just published this blog with and empty post...!!! haha!! it's 15:15 ...I published the one with only the title on it :D faiiiiiiiiil! :D



tirsdag 25. august 2009

158th: i can't stop missing you

you remember this? the Bruchie and the Ajummah are missing you...6 months to go...

157th: confessions...



made u look! :D
in ya face! :p

nope...nothing about confessions though...just songs... :D

- maybe it's true, I'm caught up on you, maybe there's a chance that you're stuck on me too (Maybe - Jay Sean)

- I'm in the business of misery, let's take it from the top (Misery Business-Paramore)

- Called her for the first time yesterday (Lovebug -j.bro)

"read between the lines even though that they are only empty spaces"

156th: nose...nose...nose! runny nose...urgh...!

i miss my normal voice...and I just got my guitar back...awww...I don't want this weird and funny voice...where's my voice?! urghhh!!!

million thoughts rushing through my head...


153rd: ...?! :D haha!

it's an application which brings me message/advices..blablabla...well here it goes*

On this day of your life, Julianne, we believe God wants you to know...
... that it's time to STOP going through the motions of living, and START living.

Are you willing to do that now? Or are you going to wait until all life energy drains out of you and your loved ones who are trying to support you at this very moment? You were not born to follow rules and regulations. Living starts with dreaming. So dream, dream friend, and let dreams show you the path to your bliss.

START LIVING?! mhm...i don't want to stray on my current path...i like it just the way it is...mhm...mhm...mhm...i got another message two days ago...saying that I should do what my heart says...right NOW! but hey..there are a lot of thing i wanna do right is kinda complicated...

152nd: my day...

my day...started off with a blast! nei da..just joking :P

my "alarm" rang when I was already at the shower...and again i was showering with my phone...
...well classes were...boring/interesting/repetisjon av 10.klasse...

I was coughing all day...and the LINE for the lockers were...unbelievable..ugh...but we got our lockers...uff...then my classmate fell on the flooooor!...BAAAANG! HAHA! uff ...but then we laughed it off... :D i guess...she tripped on my scarf...'coz she already tripped on it a lot of times before:P

HAHA!! then via, chris, tel and I were shopping..well chris was :P we were at the antique store...then via saw a CD of beyonce's I am Sasha it already old and considered as an antique? :P

then they watched "Made" and ate chocolates, "Pringles" and marshmallows while I was sitting near the window and was on the phone...

now? I'm just doing homework... agh...



151st: alarm, snooze and changes

I'm not the alarm for tomorrow since I start at 9.05 tomorrow! haha!!
ur turn to be my alarm clock... :D

god natta


mandag 24. august 2009

150th: just got home...

it was wasn't as cold as I thought it would be...anyway... I was at the band practice...

Chona, Carl, Joanna, K. Dars and Ian were all the waaaay...!! i think I'm deaf :P haha!! wonder how the drummers take the loud slams on the drums...

so...the moment I got home...I started my spanish project right away...

but then I saw Passion's stated:

"The greatest weakness of most humans is their hesitancy to tell others how much they love them while they're still alive."

it's sooooo true...that is actually one of my weaknesses...and I really regret letting that fear get the best of me...

"Never give up on something you can´t go a day without thinking about."

and once again...sooo true...!!!

REAL MADRID VS. ROSENBORG *i'm not really a soccer fact...I don't have any idea about soccer stuff...I only got this news from a friend...haha! and my classmate calls Real Madrid for Real MaDRiTT <---- HAHA!!!

during band practice... I realized something...a very small detail...maybe I'm thinking way too much...but yeah...ugh! took me one month to understand...suddenly...PANG! i got it! awww...doesn't really change anything...but still :P

* listening to Brown Eyes - destiny's child* <--- nice nice nice... i know that he loves me 'coz he told me so, i know that he loves me 'coz his feelings show, when he stares at me, you see he cares for me and when he looks at me...his brown eyes tell it so... <3

my head still huuuuuuuuurts!!! and my voice is disappearing...nooooo!!!




im late...must meet kuya ian in 5 min...wait 4 min...

god bedring
god bedrin
god bedri
god bedr
god bed
god be
god b
eller nei!

FAIIIIL ! nei da:P thanks! :P

148th: get well soon...

ikke slit ut stemmen din etterpå da, tenk heller på å bli frisk...

...but thinking ain't gonna help me feel better...i need something hostesaft...ewwwww!!!

i think I got like...a couple of "god bedring-s" this weekend...awww...thanks people...


147th: still sick...

aaargh...i'm still head still hurts...and IT REALLY HURTS when I cough...!!! arrrrghh..!! freakin' JulzFlu! my head keeps spinning...i'm really irritated about it...yea yea...

right now, i feel like throwing up...urgh...!!! but I need to eat something...but when I think of food...BLÆH!!! heeeeelllpppp!!!:(

well...i'm not the only who is sick...and I know that there are people who are a lot sicker than I really shouldn't complain...but yeah... :(

anyway, I presented my project...hella nervous...but went fine...i think...
i really didn't start pasting stuff before 11 pm last night...then I got a I kinda multi-tasked..."telebabad" on the phone while pasting pictures haha!!! so yeah...I'm really sick and tired...!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sick...and my head huuuurts like hell...and i'm freaking tired...but I'm going to a bandpractice in an hour...God help me... :D



søndag 23. august 2009

146th: i'm siiiiick!

i'm siiiiick! have sore throat for two days and a headache...acccckkkkk!! 3 people in my class have already a flu...maybe it's swineflu? ack..i checked the symptoms for the flu:

The typical symptoms are:
  • a sudden fever (a high body temperature of 38°C/100.4°F or above), and
  • a sudden cough.

Other symptoms may include:

  • headache,
  • tiredness,
  • chills,
  • aching muscles,
  • limb or joint pain,
  • diarrhoea or stomach upset,
  • sore throat,
  • runny nose,
  • sneezing, or
  • loss of appetite.
the highlighted ones are what I'm feeling...uff... we call it the JULZ-FLU! haha!!!
aaaaaaaaaah...!!! we'll see what this is...maybe just a normal flu?

I attended the 2pm mass...then a fiesta...where we had to dance the medley we performed at my confirmation...embarrassssssiiiinnnnggg!!! ufff...

then I got a call from a friend saying that he's bored and was in town, so I met up with him and Bea was also there! awww...i missed her...haven't seen her for like...FOREVER ....(only a week ago :P) really nice to see her...then went to the church again...and I'm home..I'm not really feeling passion for blogging lately...

see ya...*cough cough*


lørdag 22. august 2009

145th: wooooah...slow down speedy gonzales..!! :D

woaaaaaaaah!!!! slow down people..u guys are overthinking...maybe u r overthinking....overthinking...<--- should be the name of the name of this post :D njaaa....yea yea...

but seriously...slow down...haha!!! this is nothing...this ain't something...this is nothing....

argh...mest rotete post hittil---HAHA!

ate too much...blææææh :D



144th: shower... friend's are coming in 30min...gotta shower...this time without holding my phone while showering XP! toink! haha!:P

143rd: miss...

i miss a lot of events and people...probably because summer is over...and school takes over...æsj...*my throat hurts* i miss summer 09...oh well...this is my 143rd post...143...i love you, i hate you, i diss you, i crap you, i like you, i kill you...haha! but for me..."I miss you" is the best... :P

random lines:

" I miss you like I haven't seen you for years or heard your voice...when it was only a matter of hours..." -j-

"Maghugas ka nang plato!" - mamma- HAHA!

" I cry everytime you send and SMS or call me...I miss you na!" -R-

" Visit us during Christmas vacation" -E-

" Nå kan du synge meg til søvn" -j-


" Ajummoh! " -R-

"ah! kiligsss!!!" -jaira-

142nd: quote of the day...

found this quote that a friend of mine posted on facebook...i'll post it here 'coz i think it's really true and relevant for most of the people I know...

You're sad because you can't have her...but what you don't realize...that there is SOMEBODY else who hides much deeper PAIN for not having YOU...


141st: only girl?

god dag! haha!! <--- lmao

anyway...I slept so early last night... for a change! :D
from 10 am! wow! yeay! but my head hurts...too much sleeping :D
awww...anyway...what did i do by the moment I woke up? spent some time lying in my bed thinking about stuff...yeah!... tv!! <--- it's really weird...I have the motivation to do MATH!? of all subjects...MATH?! haha!!:P off to do science later...then my project in Norwegian/English...combined projects...aaaargh...!!! *listening to Wallpaper Sky - S.Speaks*

The weather is really nice...I wanna go out...awww...
I was supposed to go out yesterday...but then I found out that I'm the only girl going...I really wanted to go out since it's friday night...but I was tired...(from carrying the books that weighed 10kgs!) ...and again...only girl...(hence the title of the post) haha! they're gonna talk about guy stuff and I'll be left out :P haha!! :P *Winter Wonderland -S.Speaks* haha! which reminds me...of our first night after the was around the veranda...the guys were talking about guys' stuff...and again...the only girl awake was me * i was waiting for Andrea's phone to be fully loaded, so I can use the plug that she used...only had 1 working elec. socket...* anyway...ugh...I will never forget what they talked about that night...UGH! ewww..haha!!! whatever...

oh wait... I gotta finish my math assignment...before some friends of mine will arrive...

math...then science...then norsk/engelsk...OH! and spanish as well... OMG!
toodles for now *listening to Save Me From Myself - S. Speaks* <--- why Stephen Speaks? oh well 'coz my music player chose that tends to do so...soooooooooo!



fredag 21. august 2009

140th: stalker!

haha...print screen of moi stalkers :D

139th: books and books...!

hei hei hei <3!!! how ya doin'?

yeah..mhm..started the day by being an alarm clock again...and was still on the phone even though I was in the shower might ask: "WHAT? cellphones aren't supposed to be wet!"
yea...well...they shouldn't...and it wasn't! :P haha...I was just careful on not getting my phone wet :P haha!!:P risky business, but yeah :P

then I was off to school...and when I was sooooo close to Katta...only a few meters away... I remembered! OMG! we were gonna get our books today! and I only have a small brown sling bag! craaaaap! :P yea yea...

class started...I was sleepy...then REBUSLØP! haha!!!:P
we had to dance the ketchup dance infront of some people...only to find out that they were not the ones that would confirm our "lapp" ahha!! we got punk'd! haha!!! then off to the REAL complete the challenge...we had to pass an orange...using our necks! no hands allowed! so we were practically...ehm...yeah...SO physically close to the person next to us! hahaha!! luckily I passed it to a girl...awkward...!!! ahha!! when we thought that the worst is! haha!!
the next challenge was to pass an ICE CUBE! hands....only by mouth! omg! what a challenge! ewwww....swineflu! BLÆH! i had to pass it to a guy...awkward! omg! haha!!! i won't give u further details haha!!! :D nei da :P...ah...we only got 4th place :P...4th place out of 28 or so groups... :D yipiiiie! :D

ah...time to go home...with the books that weigh 10kilos! haha!! omg! freakin' arms are killing me...!! my arms still hurt...and I got home 2 hours ago! ouuuuch...! awww...better remember a bag next time...yea yea...

got to chat with someone...aww...ain't gonna see her for a while...miss ya...freaking slow workers! grrr!!!

anyway...I'm just waiting for a friend of mine to come... :D


torsdag 20. august 2009

138: what a coincidinky :P

awww...what a coincidinky...<---just wanted to type that, sorry :P summer's over...and i don't feel like blogging 'cause there aren't a lot of things going on...wake up, shower, school, eat, chat, sleep...then repeat the same the day after...awww... awwwww...missing you...come back... :'( (from NOK 112 to NOK 15) omg! haha!!!

anyway...I woke up like...6.50 be sure that I'm not gonna be the one who is late...since I'm the alarm clock, so I did my job, woke up, called and woke the sleepy head up...then I went to sleep...again...IT WAS SO COLD! awww!! that's why I crept back to my bed and went under my blanket...ahhh...niiiiice...then I fell asleep.. :P busted...but wasn't late for school though :p

what I ate today...

2 salads...with pasta, chicken, egg,salad, pineapple, sweet corn...I can't remember what the salad was consisted of...anyway...a pack of Lion Pop Choco.. :D

watched Southpark and chatted <--- once again...

ey! I haven't used the word "LOL" for a week now..i think.. yey :P


137th: i think I just became an alarm clock...

i just became an alarm clock and call someone at that he or she won't oversleep...HAHA!!!

oh two hours of free time again...but classes end at 4pm...argh...*whine* oh man...can't they fix the subjects?!

- j.

onsdag 19. august 2009

136th: yes yes I'll sing, if u sing!

jeg synger deg til søvne, hvis du synger meg til søvne...!!

nei...da hadde jeg sikkert blitt knock out bwahaha!! then no one's singin' for u, awww :D


Can we go back to the days
Our love was strong.
Can you tell me how
A perfect love goes wrong.
Can somebody tell me
How to get things back,
The way they used to be.
Oh God, give me the reason,
I'm down on bended knees

failed! haha!

again...I really have nothing to yeah...I'm posting every possible thing...

oh and yeah..I'm going "graffiti-hunting" next week and find the mark a friend left at a school...
going there for japanese lessons...which btw...ends at 18.30..awww


135th: tell me have you heard the story...

om jeg kan synge deg til søvne? goes nothing...

Tell me have you heard the story
That took place not long ago
Bout an angel up in heaven
They say she up and ran away from home

Word is she had unfinished business
So back on earth she had to flee
Well you know I'm so elated
Because she's laying right here next to me

And when God woke up that morning
And He called out her name
And when she did not answer
Heaven will never ever ever be
Heaven will never be the same
Never be the same

Heaven - Jamie Foxx

failed :P

134th: ...WHAT?!

omg...third day of school... WE ALREADY HAVE PROJECTS AND ORAL PRESENTATIONS?! we haven't even gotten our book yet! awww...that's what I get for applying to this school...oh well :D

I had three hours of total freedom...well... 'coz all of the students who didn't take Latin don't have any classes :P what did I do? first I bought salad from ICA, then went to Elvebakken to visit Andre and the others. Hahaha!! elvebakken ain't that far from Katta...bought food...met Julian...went for a tour near the school with Andre and he gave me a tour around the school...AKA LABYRINTH SCHOOL! anyone could get lost in that school! haha!!! then we met MG and Kimberly...but Andre had classes...and I still had 30min of my free period...i was bored...but I didn't catch the bus from the city...and the next bus was LATE! so I WAS RUNNING LATE...literally!! haha!!:P was so scared to be late...but then I saw my teacher just a few meters away from me...what did I do? OVERTAKED him! haha!!:P mission accomplished :D


tirsdag 18. august 2009

133rd: song...

i wrote a the melody me haha!!

132nd: tired and sad...

im bored, tired and sad...I dunno why...well atleast the sad part...the tired eyes are due to sleeping late...but the sad part...? i'm not sure...I feel so...sad...

my theory:
i feel the strings are loosening up...fading away...breaking apart...something is's not the same...I can't talk to u any longer coz I don't want u to think that I'm annoying, but you might find me boring too...freaking bored at school...keep listening to Heaven...tears are coming out of my eyes as I write..I eyes won't stop pushing tears out...feels like I have an onion in my eye...tears keep pouring down...freakshow...! I dunno...gotta stop thinking about a reason for this...just stop...

it won't!

freaking tears!!!

make it stop, my heart hurts enough...!


131st: better off without you...?

The Little Things you do to me, are taking me over...

And every time, you notice me by
holdin me closely, and sayin sweet things
i don't believe, that it could be
you speakin' your mind and, sayin the real thing;

my feet have broke free, and i am leavin
i'm not gonna stand here, feelin' lonely but
i won't forget you, and i won't think this
was just a waste of time

130th: DOODLES!

what to do at school when you're bored?

DOODLE!!! don't sleep...* I almost did...'cause the speach was booooring...* but yea...doodle stuff at ur notebook...and NO it's not childish to do so...just killing time... :P hehe...yea...2nd day of school...and I already doodled at my notebook...ahhh...

129th: school...

yea yea..2nd day of school...not the most exciting day...but yea...we got a tour around the school and ate lunch at the park...sunny..yet chilly...anyway...I met up with Chris after classes and went to buy lunch...again... at Subway...and bought a Chicken Teriyaki Baguette...NAAAAM!!!!!!! then went to Blindern Universitet to buy stuff at Akademika...wooo...i love new school stuff...awww...tomorrow we'll start classes...not REAL classes yet coz we don't have the books yet but.. yea...classes...the days are getting boring...miss summer...

mandag 17. august 2009

128th: random

criteria for a guy:

i don't like a guy who asks me if I want his jacket when I'm cold, 'coz I ain't gonna say "yes, thanks" and take it from him...I'll just refuse and say " no, it's alright" ...but if he insists, and really take it off before I's fine...

my point:

he shouldn't wait for a girl to answer the question... just act automatically... we ain't gonna reject you when we see that sweet gesture...but if the girl really hates you...back off! haha!!! just joking.
but yea...u shud be able to read the body language properly :P
i think i didn't explain this really well..but u get the point

1. personality
2. sense of humor
3. trustworthy
4. romantic
5. musician
6. smart enough to make good choices
7. someone I can laugh with...

i may have these criterias...but it ain't gonna cross my mind when I see THE ONE... it just...automatically happens...right?

127: chupachups pencil case/bag

my pencilcase/bag is just so freaking cute and hilarious! it's a ladybug, (with only two chupachups left :( ... ) with dangling legs! haha!!! and it has HUUUGE lips! haha!!! and gigantic eyeballs haha!! :D gotta love it, credz to the designer of this product haha!!!

126: falling for you

got this song from a friend... nice nice nice...and check out the guitarist! *whistle* weetweew!!!

as soon as i get my guitar 1 top priority is to learn this :D

Falling For You - Colbie C.

I don’t know but
I think I maybe
Fallin’ for you
Dropping so quickly
Maybe I should
Keep this to myself
Waiting ’til I
Know you better

I am trying
Not to tell you
But I want to
I’m scared of what you’ll say
So I’m hiding what I’m feeling
But i’m tired of
Holding this inside my head

I’ve been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’ve been waiting all my life
And now I found ya
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’m fallin’ for you

As I’m standing here
And you hold my hand
Pull me towards you
And we start to dance
All around us
I see nobody
Here in silence
It’s just you and me

I’m trying
Not to tell you
But I want to
I’m scared of what you’ll say
So I’m hiding what I’m feeling
But I’m tired of
Holding this inside my head

I’ve been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’ve been waiting all my life
And now I found ya
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’m fallin’ for you

Oh I just can’t take it
My heart is racing
The emotions keep spinning out

I’ve been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’ve been waiting all my life
And now I found ya
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m fallin’ for you
I’m fallin’ for you
I think I’m fallin’ for you

I can’t stop thinking about it
I want you all around me
And now I just can’t hide it
I think I’m fallin’ for you (x2)

I’m fallin’ for you

Oh no no
Oh I’m fallin’ for you

125: first day...

awww...the first day of wasn't nerve wrecking since I kept thinking that i wasn't the only one starting in a new school! a lot of new teens are...<3

anyway, i got into a class called 1STD...
sexually transmitted disease...NOT!
just joking... i think it stands for studiespesialisering not sure...! i got into a class with 2 other former classmates...nice:P and we got a huge pink elephant painting on our wall!!! craaap! haha cute though :D

then I met Chris and Andy at the city and bought supplies...and ATE at chris' house...oooh oooh food..!!

then ate sushi outside with my mom... school day tomorrow... :( exciting tho...

new goal: learn Heaven - J. Foxx on the pianoooo :D



søndag 16. august 2009

124th: screenshots...

I was bored. Different kind of random things happen when you are in a state of incredibly boring mind...

played Stein, Saks, Papir with chona at 4 am!!! I won...that time :D

played minesweeper with her as well...she crushed me! haha!!

123rd: speaking of worth... name is worth that muchhhh!!!!

random post tho...

122nd: who in the world?!

now my value is:

"Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Julianne Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ"

$115,021,740 value

my real friends can't afford me anymore, they complained...argh...!!! though I'm thankful that my "value" became higher but hey...who in the world of chaos are you?!



121: back-to-school resolution...

heya..i'm gonna change...a bit...

I am going to stop saying OR typing "LOL", 'coz "føles ikke ut som den personen ikke bryr seg om det jeg skriver når de svarer med lol" <--- SOOORRY 'bout that... :( haha I had the weirdest conversation with a friend yesterday night...relationship talk..that's just something I don't usually talk about...

but yeah...he turned out to be slightly different than what I thought he was:

"liker ikke å virkelig prøve meg på jenter, bare prøver å være meg selv og la følelsene vokse selv"
"kjæreste er ikke bare noe man har liksom:P"
vet du hva! jeg prøver faktisk å stoppe å banne og snuse foran deg!:P"

i thought he was a little bit worse...SORRY! but it's just because of my first impression of the guys born here in norway...*i have my reasons!!!*... but yeah, he's not.

so yeah...that's an introduction of my back-to-school resolution...

-stop saying LOL <--- i really abuse the use of this word...
-stop judging/making my own impression of people by their background...<---hate that side of me...GRRR!
-start refreshing my mind for school
-start studying hard and concentrate
-start to really TAKE CARE of myself...I can't be dependent forever,right?
-be more organized than I was last year at school...I was really starting off very well last year about being organized...then I started to hit rock bottom! ok maybe not, but still...I failed...
-do a lot of school work!
-DON'T get a 4-er on my report card...
-start planning stuff seriously
-stop being overdue, not me, but the books at the library <--- busted! haha! :D
-start listening to mellow songs like:

Better Today - Coffey<--- thanks Cj!
It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday -Boyz 2 Men
Heaven - Jamie Foxx <---thanks Julz for sending!
Whenever you call - M. Carey/Brian McKnight!!!
Man In The Mirror - M.J/J.Morrison
Boys 2 men, Brian McKnight, M.Carey, Passion,Aj,Jamie Foxx etc...
generally start listening songs from talented boybands or male/female artists who sings this kind of genre...and not some crappy music that only has 15 min of fame...

see ya
-should I right this Copyright thing for copying the lines? haha!!!-
ADVANCED SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


120th: ÆSJ!


siste dag...sommerferien er's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday... nei jo!
Ferien gikk fort...driiiiiitttt fort også! fy fy...seems just like yesterday...aww...selvfølgelig gleder jeg meg til å begynne på jeg kommer til å savne å bare være hjemme og chille eller gå ut med venner...jeg savner ikke SKOLEARBEID! omg...noooooooo!

oh well...i get to go school supplies...always fun though...hay nku!!!

jai ar sultin! haha!!

jeg sov sent/tidlig igjen...denne gangen ikke klokka kvart over syv faktisk! oh yeah...eyebags to the max, baby! <---nasty yea jeg fikk se soloppgangen...igjen..alltid fint...når jeg ser jeg at det er på tide å sove og logge av...vampyr jo! rawr! <--løve?


119th: another side

got to know another side of some people today...but this one particular person outshined them all...i just never thought that he was like that... :P

lørdag 15. august 2009

118th: Wiiiii!!

heyyya pipz...

I woke up late...again..coz I slept late...again...this time..a little bit earlier...4am...

We were going to a friend's house...far far away from the city..!! it took an hour to get there..!! omg...and it was raining..!

but was worth it...the food was delicious!!! naaaaaaam <3!!!

then everyone played Wii...except me...coz i suck at it! haha!!:P i'd just make a fool of myself :D

aww...anyway...I'm really full...and am chatting with some friends...see ya!


117th: never

never inmy life have I been comfortable with my own name...I remember in class... I had to tell my name to everyone... and I was always hesitant... not anymore...oh crap... I'd have to introduce myself again coz new schoolmeans new class and friends...

116th: zzz

kl er 03:00...

fredag 14. august 2009

115th: G.A

hei alle sammen! <-- hvem er "alle sammen"? i don't even think there are alot of people reading this... anyway...

how's my day?
- Grool! *Great and Cool*

wahaah! Chris was at my house today...3 hrs late...!! haha...! anyway...we ate:
toblerone, choco muffins and saft is...haha! then she read The Ring - manga version...LOL! confusing book...then off to G.A...! It was fun having the visitors from YFL's land of origin...sharing stories about their experiences...i guess you could say that they shared their experiences :D aww..gonna miss those jokes hahah!! :P

then eating time! naaaam<3

-ChupaChupz from Germany - thanks Julian-

2 tshirts - thanks Don!

114th: hello OSLO!

hiiii!!! i've been ion Sætre since tuesday night and just got back home today at 3pm...feels like eternity not having an internet! hhaha! was not that fun...blæh...


after showering...I went out and "lakwatcha" again!
off to the city to meet Chris and Nicole...paper hunting for some invitations...then off to Cj's house to watch a movie...first it was Mimic, then finally they decided to watch Bride of Chuckie...freakishly funny! haha!! talking dolls...dolls that kill each other...and make love to each other?! omg...dollxdoll...not good..anyway..THEY GOT A KID! or should i say... A MONSTER KID! haha!! so ewww...and funny:P

<3 it though...what a nice day...! well...goodnight!

tirsdag 11. august 2009

113rd: rain or shine?

on the way home...i was planning to ride the bike..again...just to burn off the ice cream:P but it was raining...well half of the place was being showered with rain and the other half? sunshine...weird? i took a u can see...there's sunshine, grey clouds and a rainbow! what are the odds...!!! nice...
i just waited for the rain to stop at Deli de Luca and ate my dinner there..alone...with this creepy guy staring at me...scaaaaaary... anyway...I'll be somewhere out there soon...and I won't have internet for 2 days...buhuhu haah!!<---whiner! anyway...g2g..see ya soon!!!

-love u guys-


112: bike bike bike!

once again...we roamed the world..! nope...just kidding...i mean the city...with the city bikes...again! hehe...chris chris chris...omg...long story...!!She got the bike nr. 3...she already adjusted the seat...but didn't take the bike from the "thing" it got locked again! she didn't want the other bikes since she would have to adjust what she did was...

she unlocked all the bikes and locked them again until she got to nr. 3 again! haha too lazy to just adjust the next bike..ahha!!:P was fun...

THEN! we headed for the mall! and bought stuff...and ate frozen yoghurt with fruits..nam!!mine has strawberry, mango and honeymelons :P
chris had the one with bringebær, ananas og honningmelonkuler:P

after 10 min...

she's full! now complaining about fats haha!!:P awww...those treats were so good:P

<3 u too chris haha don't blame me for the pix:P


111th: CINEMA!

wee wee..!! no...I don't mean the bathroom haha:P

well....Chris and I went to the cinemas...and watched Harry Potter and the Half Blood was: crazy, scary, funny, weird, thrilling...and one of a kind :P haha... I have to say...I think that Harry was cuter when he was younger :P are some pics:

FIND ME! haha.. no one's in the cinema hall than us!...after 5 min...only 10 people were there...

munch munch munch!

1. Chris is lost in the popcorn "house" haha!!
2. as you can see...we had the cinema for ourselves...for like 5 or 10min...
3. I'm alone... :(

mandag 10. august 2009

110th: daily wear...

ack...I feel so lazy today...therefore my clothes have been lazified...*get it? haha*

+ OVERsized sweater
+pink top

laid back style...coz i'm lazy...


the answer... nothing...

I only took pictures...
<--- the view from my window... boooring... the dumpster...that reminds me of Auschwitz...

this is where I spend most of my time...

and what I forced my panda to wear...

108th: chemistry...

can you feel the chemistry? no? I can...'coz I'm holding my chem. book...and was looking over the list of atoms and I found some really weird names...

kinda funny names as well...

well...the picture is blurry...
the names are:

haha!! imagine naming your kids with these names... :D

i really haven't done any productive today...
so.....I finished the little bit that was left of my milka white chocolate...and when the wrapper looks like thaaaat

this is what I do: ----> I open the TOBLERONE!

haha..i know...oh the calories...!

107th: you take my breathe away...

you take my breath away...literally...! i mean..i feel like I can't breathe...I find myself stopping and holding my breath for some seconds...what is happening?! I dunno what's happening but it's scary...

ok...maybe it's not a person taking away my breathe...but I just pause from breathing...crap

106th: la la la

urgh..the tv won't work...

my chinese horoscope for the day says:

Daily Overview for August 11, 2009


1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005

Try not to let an infatuation distract you from your long term goals today. The object of your attraction will be drawn to your dedication and perseverence in your work or hobbies more than displays of puppy love. Focus on the best way to achieve your own aims, and don't second guess how others are thinking for the time being.

Infatuation?!where? puppy love? where? ...exact or soooo wrong?

105th: light up....light up

Finally things are starting to light up...

- I finally beat someone on bowling buddies...then that someone excelled again and beat me...:'(
- gave away something...aww...bye...
- G.A on friday
- new washing machiiiiine


nei jo...driver med skolegreier... <---wth is wrong with me?!


Nedtur nr 1:

I'll be stuck in an island from tuesday night to thursday afternoon...urgh...i'll just bring my pc and some books,,,

Nedtur nr 2:
It's raining, men! <--- no...not men...

Nedtur nr 3:
School starts in a week...

Nedtur nr 4:
No more rice...gotta buy some...

Nedtur nr 5:
ate a lot of choco!

why are there a lot of nedturs? <-- haha nedturS, faktisk!

The day before yesterday's line:

"Gå og sleng deg i veggen! HAHA mjau" - someone-

Yesterday's Line:

" WHAT? are you freaking kidding the kid out of me?!" - someone-

Today's Line:
"Why, hva skal du med nummeret mitt? Gi den til telefonselgere?!" - meg-

104th: ph0toshop

i'm bored...i get easily tired these days....i dunno why

as a result: edit!
no meaning behind it though...

søndag 9. august 2009

103rd: maaaaath <3 starts in a week..and I'm starting in a super duper hard school ...or as they say... awwwwww......I'm starting to get butterflies in my stomach...ooooh... order to not get behind...I'm refreshing my mind with some math...ooooh...nerd! but no...I just don't want to be behind all the others...I'll start spanish later...ooooooh...I'm hungry...

102nd: freaking hell

i read my h.scope said something about controlling your emotions and don't blurt something out 'coz it might start a riot. Since the moon is still on my sign or something...I may have mood swings...which is why I avoided going out...and CRAP! I just stubbed my toe and it hurts a LOT! and just when my mom gets home, she irritated me right away by bringing some news about where her keys are blablabla...and she started di di toe still hurts...and my head is hot...guess my horoscope is a tad exact today...only hurts like craaaaaap!

101st: 101 dalmatian...

hey ya pipz! this is my 101st post! so I'd like to post a picture of a dog who was born with a heart shaped spot...and no's not a's very cute though..I want a puppy just like this for Christmas, Valentines, my birthday or any occasion...I LOVE IT! awwww...<3> I love, love, love, love, love this puppy already! I don't even know who the owner is, I just saved the picture right's freaking cute...a puppy made by pure love...teehee...the parents must be very inlove...I saw a headline on about another puppy born with a black heart spot...awww..but it's black...although it's cute... I like this brown better...!

I wonder if I'll be lucky enough to have a puppy with a heart shaped spot...I'd need some serious luck...!<3

If I can't find a puppy with a heart spot..maybe I can make an artificial spot...næææh..poor puppy...I'd love a pure one :)

On the contrary, I found another picture of a cat, with black spots...and guess what...a broken heart spot....awwwwww <3> awwww...I wonder what the love story of the parents was...or the owner's...maybe the owner is bound to be heartbroken...awww...that's just sad...but the cat is peacefully sleeping...I wonder if the cat knows what his/her spot looks like...well of course it does...but what it means...

I don't want to talk about love or broken hearts anymore...makes me only sad... :(
It makes me feel like I miss someone or something... I dunno...maybe I should reflect on people in my long it has been since I've seen my grandmom...I haven't seen her in like...5-7 years? I really should go visit her in December...awww...

*listening to Better Today - Coffey* <--- makes me even sadder... HAHA!!! <--- and I laugh? wth...


100th: yey!!..100

It's my 100th post...
YEYYY!!! but this day has been boring so far...and I'm really disappointed in myself...for not going to church because of some minor problems...bad choice...anyway...I edited a photo...and changed my layout...whatcha think?

btw...see those fishes? ------------>
click on the water and feed them..haha!!

99th: dreams can be deceiving...

good morning!'s 16:16...I woke up hour ago?

my wounds are starting to heal...yeah! as usual I started my day by sitting in front of the laptop...and ate...M&M's for breakfast! craaap! dessert before main course! ufff...once again..rain outside my window pouring down...

anyway..I had such a weird dream last night/dawn and I kinda enjoyed it...but dreams can be deceiving...i wonder if there's a way to controll your dreams and be able to decide whether they should become reality or not...

98th: omguuush

Better Today - Coffey

it reminds me of how great the power of love is and how it affects people around the world...whether they are suffering or experiencing hardships...when their loved one shows up...everything gets better...

97th: gimme gimme gimme!!!

i reaaaaally want these:

aaaaaaaaargh!!!!! <3 mouthwatering...
uuuuuuuffff....mommy i want this haha!