fredag 21. august 2009

139th: books and books...!

hei hei hei <3!!! how ya doin'?

yeah..mhm..started the day by being an alarm clock again...and was still on the phone even though I was in the shower might ask: "WHAT? cellphones aren't supposed to be wet!"
yea...well...they shouldn't...and it wasn't! :P haha...I was just careful on not getting my phone wet :P haha!!:P risky business, but yeah :P

then I was off to school...and when I was sooooo close to Katta...only a few meters away... I remembered! OMG! we were gonna get our books today! and I only have a small brown sling bag! craaaaap! :P yea yea...

class started...I was sleepy...then REBUSLØP! haha!!!:P
we had to dance the ketchup dance infront of some people...only to find out that they were not the ones that would confirm our "lapp" ahha!! we got punk'd! haha!!! then off to the REAL complete the challenge...we had to pass an orange...using our necks! no hands allowed! so we were practically...ehm...yeah...SO physically close to the person next to us! hahaha!! luckily I passed it to a girl...awkward...!!! ahha!! when we thought that the worst is! haha!!
the next challenge was to pass an ICE CUBE! hands....only by mouth! omg! what a challenge! ewwww....swineflu! BLÆH! i had to pass it to a guy...awkward! omg! haha!!! i won't give u further details haha!!! :D nei da :P...ah...we only got 4th place :P...4th place out of 28 or so groups... :D yipiiiie! :D

ah...time to go home...with the books that weigh 10kilos! haha!! omg! freakin' arms are killing me...!! my arms still hurt...and I got home 2 hours ago! ouuuuch...! awww...better remember a bag next time...yea yea...

got to chat with someone...aww...ain't gonna see her for a while...miss ya...freaking slow workers! grrr!!!

anyway...I'm just waiting for a friend of mine to come... :D


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