fredag 28. august 2009

170th: daaaag...

uuuuff!! our teacher is sick again..three days in a row! so we did not have science class at 8.15 am...and had nothing to do until we just stayed at the classroom...some ate, did their homework, played cards...and ate while doing homework...<--- me :D * my stomach was making sounds...brrrr* ahaha!!

i failed as an alarm clock again...haha! i was really tired...didn't want to stand up... :P samfunnsfag...we were at the comp. room...and everyone was on FACEBOOK! ...while the teacher was talking...haha!! he was ok with it :D

finally MATH! some real education! hehe :P no sick teacher, no facebook...just math <3

oh well...

off to meet some friends and watch a movie... :D



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