lørdag 8. august 2009

92nd: clouds are here to overshadow the sun...

awww... I checked the weather for next week..and here's what I get:
Tåket, 18°
  • lørdag
    Regn om ettermiddagen24° / 16°
  • søndag
    Regn20° / 16°
  • mandag
    Byger19° / 14°
  • tirsdag
    Regn om ettermiddagen19° / 14°
awwww... where is my Mr. Sunshine!? where did he go?! why is Mr. Rain here? i didn't call him..haha!!!...awww i guess I'll just stay at home...nedtur!!! when the clouds are grey...I get depressed...and my mood is gloomy...i don't like it...Mr. Sunshine, kick Mr. Rain's butt out of here...on the brighter side... I went out with my friend Chris to have a little bike session<---haha! at the city...ooooh...nice...then headed back to their house to make some korean Jajangmyeon...naaaam<3 and ate a lot of M&M's!! ooooh the calories...haha! here's a snapshot of what we made:

{ Jajangmyeon (also spelled jjajangmyeon) is a Korean dish, derived from the Chinese dish zhajiang mian. It consists of wheat noodles topped with a thick sauce made of chunjang (a salty black soybean paste), diced meat and vegetables, and sometimes also seafood. Jajang (also spelled jjajang), name of the sauce, is the Korean pronunciation of the Chinese characters , which literally means "fried sauce." Myeon (also spelled myun) means "noodle."}

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