tirsdag 25. august 2009

153rd: ...?

God...God...God...sent...me...a...message...through...facebook! :D haha!

it's an application which brings me message/advices..blablabla...well here it goes*

On this day of your life, Julianne, we believe God wants you to know...
... that it's time to STOP going through the motions of living, and START living.

Are you willing to do that now? Or are you going to wait until all life energy drains out of you and your loved ones who are trying to support you at this very moment? You were not born to follow rules and regulations. Living starts with dreaming. So dream, dream friend, and let dreams show you the path to your bliss.

START LIVING?! mhm...i don't want to stray on my current path...i like it just the way it is...mhm...mhm...mhm...i got another message two days ago...saying that I should do what my heart says...right NOW! but hey..there are a lot of thing i wanna do right now...so...this is kinda complicated...

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