mandag 24. august 2009

150th: just got home...

it was wasn't as cold as I thought it would be...anyway... I was at the band practice...

Chona, Carl, Joanna, K. Dars and Ian were all the waaaay...!! i think I'm deaf :P haha!! wonder how the drummers take the loud slams on the drums...

so...the moment I got home...I started my spanish project right away...

but then I saw Passion's stated:

"The greatest weakness of most humans is their hesitancy to tell others how much they love them while they're still alive."

it's sooooo true...that is actually one of my weaknesses...and I really regret letting that fear get the best of me...

"Never give up on something you can´t go a day without thinking about."

and once again...sooo true...!!!

REAL MADRID VS. ROSENBORG *i'm not really a soccer fact...I don't have any idea about soccer stuff...I only got this news from a friend...haha! and my classmate calls Real Madrid for Real MaDRiTT <---- HAHA!!!

during band practice... I realized something...a very small detail...maybe I'm thinking way too much...but yeah...ugh! took me one month to understand...suddenly...PANG! i got it! awww...doesn't really change anything...but still :P

* listening to Brown Eyes - destiny's child* <--- nice nice nice... i know that he loves me 'coz he told me so, i know that he loves me 'coz his feelings show, when he stares at me, you see he cares for me and when he looks at me...his brown eyes tell it so... <3

my head still huuuuuuuuurts!!! and my voice is disappearing...nooooo!!!



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