mandag 17. august 2009

125: first day...

awww...the first day of wasn't nerve wrecking since I kept thinking that i wasn't the only one starting in a new school! a lot of new teens are...<3

anyway, i got into a class called 1STD...
sexually transmitted disease...NOT!
just joking... i think it stands for studiespesialisering not sure...! i got into a class with 2 other former classmates...nice:P and we got a huge pink elephant painting on our wall!!! craaap! haha cute though :D

then I met Chris and Andy at the city and bought supplies...and ATE at chris' house...oooh oooh food..!!

then ate sushi outside with my mom... school day tomorrow... :( exciting tho...

new goal: learn Heaven - J. Foxx on the pianoooo :D



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