mandag 24. august 2009

147th: still sick...

aaargh...i'm still head still hurts...and IT REALLY HURTS when I cough...!!! arrrrghh..!! freakin' JulzFlu! my head keeps spinning...i'm really irritated about it...yea yea...

right now, i feel like throwing up...urgh...!!! but I need to eat something...but when I think of food...BLÆH!!! heeeeelllpppp!!!:(

well...i'm not the only who is sick...and I know that there are people who are a lot sicker than I really shouldn't complain...but yeah... :(

anyway, I presented my project...hella nervous...but went fine...i think...
i really didn't start pasting stuff before 11 pm last night...then I got a I kinda multi-tasked..."telebabad" on the phone while pasting pictures haha!!! so yeah...I'm really sick and tired...!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sick...and my head huuuurts like hell...and i'm freaking tired...but I'm going to a bandpractice in an hour...God help me... :D



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