onsdag 19. august 2009

136th: yes yes I'll sing, if u sing!

jeg synger deg til søvne, hvis du synger meg til søvne...!!

nei...da hadde jeg sikkert blitt knock out bwahaha!! then no one's singin' for u, awww :D


Can we go back to the days
Our love was strong.
Can you tell me how
A perfect love goes wrong.
Can somebody tell me
How to get things back,
The way they used to be.
Oh God, give me the reason,
I'm down on bended knees

failed! haha!

again...I really have nothing to do...so yeah...I'm posting every possible thing...

oh and yeah..I'm going "graffiti-hunting" next week and find the mark a friend left at a school...
going there for japanese lessons...which btw...ends at 18.30..awww


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