søndag 16. august 2009

121: back-to-school resolution...

heya..i'm gonna change...a bit...

I am going to stop saying OR typing "LOL", 'coz "føles ikke ut som den personen ikke bryr seg om det jeg skriver når de svarer med lol" <--- SOOORRY 'bout that... :( haha I had the weirdest conversation with a friend yesterday night...relationship talk..that's just something I don't usually talk about...

but yeah...he turned out to be slightly different than what I thought he was:

"liker ikke å virkelig prøve meg på jenter, bare prøver å være meg selv og la følelsene vokse selv"
"kjæreste er ikke bare noe man har liksom:P"
vet du hva! jeg prøver faktisk å stoppe å banne og snuse foran deg!:P"

i thought he was a little bit worse...SORRY! but it's just because of my first impression of the guys born here in norway...*i have my reasons!!!*... but yeah, he's not.

so yeah...that's an introduction of my back-to-school resolution...

-stop saying LOL <--- i really abuse the use of this word...
-stop judging/making my own impression of people by their background...<---hate that side of me...GRRR!
-start refreshing my mind for school
-start studying hard and concentrate
-start to really TAKE CARE of myself...I can't be dependent forever,right?
-be more organized than I was last year at school...I was really starting off very well last year about being organized...then I started to hit rock bottom! ok maybe not, but still...I failed...
-do a lot of school work!
-DON'T get a 4-er on my report card...
-start planning stuff seriously
-stop being overdue, not me, but the books at the library <--- busted! haha! :D
-start listening to mellow songs like:

Better Today - Coffey<--- thanks Cj!
It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday -Boyz 2 Men
Heaven - Jamie Foxx <---thanks Julz for sending!
Whenever you call - M. Carey/Brian McKnight!!!
Man In The Mirror - M.J/J.Morrison
Boys 2 men, Brian McKnight, M.Carey, Passion,Aj,Jamie Foxx etc...
generally start listening songs from talented boybands or male/female artists who sings this kind of genre...and not some crappy music that only has 15 min of fame...

see ya
-should I right this Copyright thing for copying the lines? haha!!!-
ADVANCED SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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