mandag 31. august 2009

181: tring tring tring tring tring...


ninjas were running around our school like crazy at lunch time today... :D they were "killing" each other with a black sock...! haha!!! uff...

then off to japanese class which started at 16.30 and ended at 18:00 :(
as if i wasn't tired enough...i had to run to catch the bus to Majorstuen... music music music :D
got home :P

the weather today was really crappy... only 13 degrees celsius...sooo cold and it was raining...uff..grey skies this whole week :(

at gym class, we were playing soccer...and then...I got hit by the ball right at my stomach! uuuuuff...!!! then...after a the head! aaaah..HAHA!!! hjernecellene mine... :( hhaha!!!

i woke up at 6:30 and hit the snooze button till 7am...i didn't want to stand up (as usual) i really shouldn't sleep late at school nights... :D

<3 gym


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