onsdag 26. august 2009

159th: failed... xP!

the title says: Fail...which is what happened and still happening...

1. I was suppossed to be the alarm clock...i only read the message at 5am...forgot that my phone was on silent-mode... so I was 10min late... :D the alarm clock is laaaate... :D HAHA!

2. I forgot to bring something to school...argh

3. fashion victim today! ;P haha!!

4. i couldn't find my cardigan at 8am...i was supposed to be at school by then... i was running late...plus that i was on the phone...which makes it even harder to concentrate... :D sooorrryyy :D

5. forgot to bring my umbrella... so i had to climb to the 4th floor again...!! and...I'm late... :D *relax...i got there in time :D*

6. i had 3 hrs free...so i planned to do some homework... result? ate and was online... :D!!!

7. on my way to the school...i met this scary guy who talked to me and asked questions... *ain't gonna give u details... :s *

8. our teacher is siiiick again... :D! yes! so we got to go home 2 hrs earlier-..- :D failed schedule ... :D

9. I bought juice and milk...which i should've put in the fridge 15 min ago...*gonna do that now...*

10. I just published this blog with and empty post...!!! haha!! it's 15:15 ...I published the one with only the title on it :D faiiiiiiiiil! :D



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