lørdag 22. august 2009

141st: only girl?

god dag! haha!! <--- lmao

anyway...I slept so early last night... for a change! :D
from 10pm...to 10 am! wow! yeay! but my head hurts...too much sleeping :D
awww...anyway...what did i do by the moment I woke up? spent some time lying in my bed thinking about stuff...yeah!... tv!...brunch...facebook...chat...and...MATH! <--- it's really weird...I have the motivation to do MATH!? of all subjects...MATH?! haha!!:P off to do science later...then my project in Norwegian/English...combined projects...aaaargh...!!! *listening to Wallpaper Sky - S.Speaks*

The weather is really nice...I wanna go out...awww...
I was supposed to go out yesterday...but then I found out that I'm the only girl going...I really wanted to go out since it's friday night...but I was tired...(from carrying the books that weighed 10kgs!) ...and again...only girl...(hence the title of the post) haha! they're gonna talk about guy stuff and I'll be left out :P haha!! :P *Winter Wonderland -S.Speaks* haha! which reminds me...of our first night after the congress...it was around 2am...at the veranda...the guys were talking about guys' stuff...and again...the only girl awake was me * i was waiting for Andrea's phone to be fully loaded, so I can use the plug that she used...only had 1 working elec. socket...* anyway...ugh...I will never forget what they talked about that night...UGH! ewww..haha!!! whatever...

oh wait... I gotta finish my math assignment...before some friends of mine will arrive...

math...then science...then norsk/engelsk...OH! and spanish as well... OMG!
toodles for now *listening to Save Me From Myself - S. Speaks* <--- why Stephen Speaks? oh well 'coz my music player chose that album...yeah...it tends to do so...soooooooooo!



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